The heater surfaces will of course vary according to the weather and the amount of heat stored. Because of variations in the siting for different heaters in rooms, each heater needs to be set individually and the finally chosen input, control knob settings may be different in different rooms. MANUALLY-ADJUSTED INPUT CONTROL (SLIMLINE) This control knob is marked overnight charge numbers 1 to 6, setting 1 giving the least overnight charge and setting 6 giving the maximum overnight charge. It would be a mistake to follow the varying outdoor weather changes by daily adjustment of the knob and it is best, rather, to follow the seasonal changes. Start in Autumn, say, with a setting of 1 to 3 and gradually increase the setting as the winter comes on, frosts etc., Reverse the pattern as winter turns to spring. Hi / * 6 5 /"1 4l Slimline < 6 5Otros modelos de este manual: Vídeo - 79344/6S (252.81 kb) Vídeo - 793415 (252.81 kb) Vídeo - 793515 (252.81 kb) Vídeo - 79354/6S (252.81 kb)