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Categoría: Gafas de vídeo

La vista de los ninos pequenos (en especial los menores de seis anos) todavia esta en desarrollo. Consulte a su medico (a un pediatra o a un oftalmologo) antes de permitir que los ninos pequenos miren imagenes de video 3D o jueguen a videojuegos estereoscopicos en 3D. Los adultos deben supervisar a los ninos pequenos para asegurarse de que sigan las recomendaciones anteriores. No modifique este producto ni permita que se caiga. Partes y componentes . . Transmisor sincrono 3D (1) Cinta doble faz

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Categoría: Gafas de vídeo

Image processing software can then be used to select the best frames to combine for best results. Refocus often throughout your imaging session. This ensures at least some of your images will have an excellent focus. It is also not uncommon for telescope movements to alter the focus slightly, so be sure to refocus for any new astro-imaging targets. choosing a Site for astro-imaging Once you have a focused image, you may find your image shifting and washed out. This can be caused by many environm

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Categoría: Gafas de vídeo

B 11/10 Welcome to a new world of adventure. Your new StarShoot Solar System Video Eyepiece (SSVE) is capable of displaying detailed, full-color video of astronomical objects in our solar system. The planets, Moon, and Sun (with optional solar filter) can all be imaged to create spectacular views on your TV Screen. The SSVE can even be used during the day to take images of terrestrial subjects. You’ll find that this inexpensive, yet capable and easy to use camera will enhance all of your journey
