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Manual de usuario Bradford-White Corp, modelo BT180-100

Fabricar: Bradford-White Corp
Tamaño del archivo: 2.24 mb
Nombre del archivo: A1049.pdf
Idioma del manual:en
Enlace gratuito para este manual disponible en la parte inferior de la página

Resumen del manual

Only gas, water, electrical and venting connections need to be made. No major field adjustments are required for proper operation. Includes T&P valve and drain valve. EASY CLEANING - Hand hole cleanout allows easy cleaning. OPTIONAL LEG KIT - Meets NSF Standard 5 with leg kit #6280-4 BTI 80 & 100 Master-Fit' INDUCED DRAFT COMMERCIAL GAS TANKTYPE WATER HEATERS BTI 80-100 Limited Warranty If the tank should leak any time during the first three years, under the terms of the limited warranty, A. O. Smith will furnish a replacement heater; installation, labor, handling and local delivery extra. THIS OUTLINE IS NOT A WARRANTY. For complete information, consult the written warranty or A. O. Smith Water Products Company. Warranty does not apply to product installed outside of the United States of America or its territorial possessions and Canada. July 2000 A 104.9...

Otros modelos de este manual:
Calentadores de Agua - BT180-100 (2.24 mb)
Calentadores de Agua - BT180-100 (2.24 mb)


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