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Manual de usuario Carrier, modelo INFINITY 1620

Fabricar: Carrier
Tamaño del archivo: 1.39 mb
Nombre del archivo: gapab-2si.pdf
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Resumen del manual

If an atomizing humidifier must be mounted upstream of the Infinityt Air Purifier, it should be mounted as far upstream as possible (at least 6 ft. recommended), and a standard disposable furnace filter should be mounted between the humidifier and the air purifier to trap hard water salt deposits and water droplets. Transitions If the return air duct or fan coil openings do not fit the Infinityt Air Purifier cabinet openings, gradual transitions are recommended to reduce air turbulence and maximize efficiency. No more than 20 degrees (about 4 in. per running ft.) of expansion should be used on each side of the transition fitting. Turning Vanes If the Infinityt Air Purifier is installed adjacent to a 90 degree duct elbow, turning vanes should be added inside duct to improve air distribution across the face of the air purifier. Electrical Power / Air Flow Sensor The Infinityt Air Purifier should only be powered when airflow is present. This model is designed for use with a fan coil and is equipped with an air flow sensor which provides power only when the fan coil blower is operating (See Fig. 2). Infinityt Air Purifier models GAPABXCC1620, GAPABXCC2020, and GAPABXCC2420 are designed to be powered from a 208/230 VAC power source. A06387 Fig. 2 --- Air Flow Sensor Door (x1) Cabinet (x1) Enhancement Module (x1) Safety Screen (x1) Return Duct Adapters: Long (x2) / Short (x2) Air Flow Sensor (x1) (x1) (x2) (x3) (x1) (x2) Installation Components (in bag attached to power cord) Installation Manual 1 GAPA InfinityAir Purifier Sizes 1620, 2020, & 2420 Installation, Start ---up, and Operating Instructions NOTE: Readthe entireinstructionmanualbeforestartingthe install. TABLEOFCONTENTS Pag e SAFETYCONSIDERATIONS 1 .. ...................... INTRODUCTION 2 ..... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. ........ .. . PLANNING 2--5 ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. ................. Application 2 . .. .. .. ...... .. .... .. .... ............. InstallationRequirements 2 .......................... DimensionsTable1 3 ...................... .. .... ... AirConditioning 5 ........ .. .. .. ...... .. .... .... .. . Humidifiers 5 .... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .... .. ........... OutdoorAir 5 .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... ...... .. ......... SheetMetalInstallation 5 ............................ Transitions5... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .... ............... TurningVanes 5 .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... ...... .. ...... . SelectLocation 5 .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. . DirectionofAirflowthroughAirPurifier 5 ........ .. .. .. INSTALLATION 5--6 .. .... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .... ...... . Orientation 5-- 6 ..... .. .. .. .. ...... .... .. ........... Details 6 .. .. .. .. .. ............................... TypicalMountingPositions 6 ......................... ElectricalInstallation 6 ..................... .. .. .. ... FurnaceApplication 6 .................. .. ........ .. . SYSTEMCHECKOUT 7 ....................... .... .. . MAINTENANCE 7 ... .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. ..... ReplacingPurifierCartridge 7 .. ...................... TROUBLESHOOTING 7 ............................. . RecommendedServiceTools 7 .. ...................... IndicationofElectricalTrouble 7 .... .. .. .. .. .......... OTHERFACTSYOUSHOULDKNOW 7 ..... .. .. .. .. .. Ozone 7 . .. .. .. ................................... HighAltitudeO peration 7 ........................... SpecificationsTable2 8 ............................ . WARRANTY 9 . .. .... .. .. .. .. .... ...... ............. A05265 Fig.1--UnitGAPA SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Improperinstallat ion,adjustmen t,alteration,service, maintenance,orusecancauseexplosion,fire,electricalshock orotherconditionswhichmaycausepersonalinjuryorproperty damage.Consultaqualifiedinstaller,serviceagency, or your distributororbranchforinformationoras sistance.The qualifiedinstalleroragencymustusefactoryauthorizedkitsor accessorieswh enmodifyi ngthis product.Refertothe individuali nst ructionspackagedwiththekitsoraccesor ies wheninstalling. Followallsafety codes. Wearsafety glassesandworkgloves. Useq uenchin gclothforbrazi ngoperations.Havefire extinguisheravailable.Readtheseinstructionsthoroughlyand followallwarningorcautionsattachedtotheunit.Consult localbuildingcodesandNationalElectricalCode(NEC)for specialrequirements. It isimportanttorecogn izesafetyinf ormation.Thisisthe safety--alertsymbol . Whenyouseethissymbolontheunit andin instructionso rmanuals,bealert tothepotentialfor personalinjury.UnderstandthesignalwordsDANGER, WARNING,andCAUTION.Thesewordsareusedwiththe safety--alertsymbol.DANGERiden tifiesthemostserious hazardswhichwillresultinseverepersonalinjuryordeath. WARNINGsignifieshazardswhichcouldresultinpersonal injuryordeath.CAUTIONisusedtoidentifyunsafepractices whichmay resultinpersonalinjuryorproductandproperty damage.NOTE is...

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