Resumen del manual
Safety Instructions Please make sure to follow these instructions.
Prima dell’utilizzo
Antes del uso
In order to prevent accidents or injuries to the user, other people, and damage to property, please follow the instructions
Istruzioni per la sicurezza ·························································133
Instrucciones de seguridad·······················································165
Accessori/Identificazione delle parti··········································136
Identificación de accesorios/piezas ··········································168
Differenze tra SD-2501 e SD-2500 ···········································137
Diferencias entre SD-2501 y SD-2500 ·····································169
The following charts indicate the degree of damage caused by wrong operation.
Ingredienti per la preparazione del pane ··································138
Ingredientes para hacer pan·····················································170
Warning: Indicates serious injury or
Caution: Indicates risk of injury or
property damage.
Modalità d’uso
Modo de uso
Elenco dei tipi di pane e opzioni di cottura ·······························140
Lista de tipos de pan y opciones de cocción ····························172
The symbols are classified and explained as follows.
Cottura del pane ·······································································142
Cocción del pan ········································································174
Aggiunta di ulteriori ingredienti ·················································144
Cuando se añaden ingredientes adicionales····························176
This symbol indicates requirement that must be
This symbol indicates prohibition.
Cottura di brioche ·····································································145
Cocer Brioche ···········································································177
Preparazione dell’impasto ························································146
Hacer masa ··············································································178
Preparazione dell’impasto per brioche ·····································147
Hacer masa para brioche ·························································179
Cottura di torte ··········································································148
Cocer pasteles··········································································180
Preparazione di marmellate······················································149
Hacer mermelada ·····································································181
Preparazione di composte ························································150
Hacer compota ·········································································182
Ricette per pane ·······································································151
Recetas de pan ········································································183
Do not use the appliance if the power cord or power plug is damaged or the power
Ricette per impasti ····································································153
Recetas de masa······································································185
plug is loosely connected to the power outlet.
Ricetta per torte ········································································153
Receta de pasteles ···································································185
(It may cause an electric shock, or fire due to short circuit.)
Ricette per composti privi di glutine ··········································154
Recetas sin gluten ····································································186
Ricette AVEVE ··········································································155
Recetas AVEVE ········································································187
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified
Ricette per marmellate ·····························································157
Recetas de mermelada ····························································189
person in order to avoid a hazard.
Ricette per composte································································158
Recetas de compota·································································190
Do not damage the power cord or power plug.
(It may cause an electric shock, or fire due to short circuit.)
Following actions are strictly prohibited. (Modifying, placing near heating elements, bending, twisting, pulling,
putting heavy objects on top, and bundling the cord.)
Do not plug or unplug the power cord with wet hands.
(It may cause an electric shock.)
Pulizia della macchina
Do not exceed voltage on the outlet and do not use alternate current other than
Conservazione e pulizia ···························································159
Limpieza y cuidados ·································································191
listed on the appliance.
(It may cause an electric shock or fire.)
Protezione del rivestimento antiaderente
Protección del acabado antiadherente
● Make sure the voltage supplied to the appliance is the same as your local supply.
Protezione del rivestimento antiaderente ·································160
Protección del acabado antiadherente ·····································192
● Plugging other devices into the same outlet may cause an electric overheating.
Insert the power plug firmly.
Risoluzione dei problemi
Resolución de problemas
(Otherwise it may cause an electric shock and fire caused by the heat that may generate around the plug.)
Risoluzione dei problemi ··························································161
Resolución de problemas ·························································193
Clean the power plug regularly.
Grazie per aver acquistato questo prodotto Panasonic.
Gracias por comprar este producto Panasonic.
(A soiled power plug may cause insufficient insulation due to the moisture and lint build-up, which may cause a
Leggere attentamente le presenti istruzioni prima dell’utilizzo
Lea atentamente estas instrucciones antes de usar el
del prodotto e conservare il manuale per riferimento futuro.
producto y guarde este manual para futuras consultas.
Unplug the power plug, and wipe with the dry cloth.
Le presenti istruzioni d’uso possono essere utilizzate per due
Estas instrucciones de funcionamiento son válidas para dos
modelli diversi.
modelos diferentes.
Le spiegazioni contenute al loro interno fanno riferimento
Las explicaciones que contienen se centran principalmente en
prevalentemente al modello SD-2501. (consultare la P. 137
el modelo SD-2501.
per le differenze di funzionalità relative ai due modelli).
(Vea las diferencias entre ambos modelos en la página 169.)
Questo prodotto è destinato esclusivamente a un uso
Este producto se ha diseñado exclusivamente para un uso
...Otros modelos de este manual:
Pan - SD2500WXE (6.2 mb)
Pan - SD2501WXC (6.2 mb)
Pan - SD2501WXE (6.2 mb)