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Manual de usuario Philips, modelo HX6341/02

Fabricar: Philips
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Resumen del manual

-You can store a brush head on the brushing head holder at the back of the charger. Replacement Brush head -Replace Sonicare brush heads ever y 3 months to achieve optimal results. -Use only Sonicare For Kids replacement brush heads. Environment -Do not throw away the appliance with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point for recycling. By doing this, you help to preser ve the environment (Fig. 11). -The built-in rechargeable batter y contains substances that may pollute the environment. Always remove the batter y before you discard and hand in the appliance at an official collection point. Dispose of the batter y at an official collection point for batteries. If you have trouble removing the batter y, you can also take the appliance to a Philips ser vice centre.The staff of this centre will remove the batter y for you and will dispose of it in an environmentally safe way (Fig. 12). Removing the rechargeable battery Please note that this process is not reversible. To remove the rechargeable batter y, you need a flat-head (standard) screwdriver. Obser ve basic safety precautions when you follow the procedure below. Be sure to protect your eyes, hands, fingers and the surface on which you work. 1 2 3 4 5 To deplete the rechargeable battery of any charge, remove the handle from the charger, switch on the Sonicare and let it run until it stops. Repeat this step until you can no longer switch on the Sonicare. Insert a screwdriver into the slot located in the bottom of the handle and turn anticlockwise until you see a gap between the bottom cap and the handle. (Fig. 13) Insert the screwdriver into the gap and pry the bottom cap out of the handle (Fig. 14). Hold the handle upside down and push down on the shaft to release the internal components of the handle (Fig. 15). Insert the screwdriver under the circuit board, next to the battery connections, and twist to break the connections. Remove the circuit board and pry the battery from the plastic carrier (Fig. 16). guarantee and service If you need ser vice or information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips website at or contact the Philips Consumer Care Centre in your countr y (you find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet). If there is no Consumer Care Centre in your countr y, go to your local Philips dealer. guarantee restrictions The terms of the international guarantee do not cover the following: -Brush heads -Interchangeable panels -Damage caused by misuse, abuse, neglect, alterations or unauthorised repair -Normal wear and tear, including chips, scratches, abrasions, discolouration or fading CEstiNa CEstiNa Uvod Gratulujeme vam k zakoupeni vyrobku a vitame vas ve svete vyrobku Philips. Abyste mohli plne vyuzit podpor y, kterou Philips poskytuje, zaregistrujte svuj vyrobek na webu Vseobecny popis (Obr. 1) A Hygienicka cestovni kr ytka B Hlava kar tacku C Mekka rukojet D Vypinac s kontrolkou nabijeni baterie E Vymenny panel F Tlacitko rezimu cisteni s kontrolkami rezimu G Nabijecka s drzakem na hlavu kar tacku Dulezite Pred pouzitim pristroje si peclive prectete tuto uzivatelskou prirucku a uschovejte ji pro budouci pouziti. Nebezpeci -Chrante nabijecku pred kontaktem s vodou. Nepokladejte ani neskladujte ji v blizkosti vody, napriklad u vany s napustenou vodou, umyvadla, drezu apod. Neponorujte nabijecku do vody ani jine kapaliny. Po cisteni se ujistete, ze je nabijecka uplne sucha. Tepr ve pote ji zapojte do site. -tento pristroj neni hracka. Pravidelne kontrolujte, zda na hlave kartacku nejsou praskliny.V pripade praskle hlava kartacku muze hrozit nebezpeci uduseni. Upozorneni -Napajeci kabel nelze vymenit. Je-li napajeci kabel poskozen, nabijecku zlikvidujte. Vzdy nechte nabijecku vymenit za originalni typ, aby bylo pouzivani pristroje bezpecne. -Pokud dojde k jakemukoli poskozeni pristroje (hlavy kar tacku, rukojeti kar tacku nebo nabijecky), prestante jej pouzivat. -Tento pristroj neobsahuje zadne soucasti, ktere by vyzadovaly udrzbu. Pokud dojde k jeho poskozeni, obratte se na stredisko pece o zakazniky ve vasi zemi (viz kapitola „Zaruka a ser vis“). -Nepouzivejte nabijecku venku ani blizko horkych povrchu. -Osoby (vcetne deti) s omezenymi fyzickymi, smyslovymi nebo dusevnimi schopnostmi nebo nedostatkem zkusenosti a znalosti by nemely s pristrojem manipulovat, pokud nebyly o pouzivani pristroje predem pouceny nebo nejsou pod dohledem osoby zodpovedne za jejich bezpecnost. -Dohlednete na to, aby si s pristrojem nehraly deti. Upozorneni -Pokud jste v poslednich 2 mesicich podstoupili operaci zubu ci dasni, poradte se pred pouzitim zubniho kar tacku se svym zubnim lekarem. -Pokud po pouziti kar tacku dochazi k vyraznemu kr vaceni nebo pokud kr vaceni neustava po 1 tydnu pouzivani, obratte se na sveho zubniho lekare. -Mate-li zdravotni pochybnosti, obratte se pred pouzitim pristroje Sonicare na sveho lekare. -Zubni kar tacek Soni...


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