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• Do not use a wrench to tighten or loosenthe chuck ja.w8. _k WARNING: Make sure to insertthe drillbit straight into the chuckjaws. Do not insertthe drillbit into the chuckjaws at an angle then tighten, as shownin figure1O.Thls could cause the drill bit to be thrown from the drill,resultingin possib]e seriouspersonal injuryor damageto the chuck. WRONG Fig.10 REMOVING BITS See F_jure g. • Lock the sw(tch t_gar by placing the directionof rotation selector in the center position. • Loosenthe chuckjaws from the drillbiL • To loosen:grasp and hold the collar of the chuckwith one hand,while ro_ting the chuck body with your other hand. NOTE: Rotatethechuckbodyin the directionat the arrow ma_sd UNLOCK to loosenthe chuckjaws. • Do not use a wrench to tightenor loosenthe chuck jaws. • Remove the driftbit from the chuckjaws. 14 LEWL '_ WARNING: Alwayswsar safety gogglesorsafety glasseswith aide shieldswhen operatingtools.Failureto do so could resultin objects being throwninto your eyes, resultingin possibleseriousinjury. DRILLING See Figure 11. A levelis located on top of the motor housing to help keep thedrillbit levelduringuse. • Check the directionof rotation selector for the correct sathng (forward or raverae). • Secure the material to be drilledin a vise orwith clampsto keep _t'{Tomturningasthe ddlt bit rc>_atas. • Hold the drillfirmlyand placethebitat the pointto be • Depress the switch trigger to start the drill. • Move the drillbit intothe work,piece, applying only enough _ress_e to keep the bit cuthng.Do not toms the dritiorapphj sidepressure'coelongatea hole. Let the tool do the work. _lk WARNING: Be prepaxsd for binding a_bit breakthrough. When these situationsoccur,drillhas a tendency to grab and kick oppositeto the direction of rotationand couldcause loss ot control when breaking throughmaterial. )1'not prepared,this loss of controlcan result inpossible seriousin(ury:. • When drillinghard,smoothsurfaces,usea center punchto mark the desired hole location. Thiswill prevent the dn'ilbit from slippingoff-center as the hole is started. • When drillingmetals, use a light oil on the drill bit to keep it from overheating.The oil will prolong the life ot the bitand increase _e driltingaction. • If the bit )aresin the workpiecaor itthe ddllstalls, stop the tool irnmed_tel'/. Remove the bit from the workpiece and determinethe reasonfor jamming. This drillhas an elecb'Jobrake. When the switch trigger isreleased, the chuckstops turning,When the brake is functioning properly,sparks will be visiblethroughthe ventslotsonthehousing.This isnormaland is the action of the brake. F_g.tl 15 _I_ WARNING: When servicing, use on3yidentical Craftsman replar.smentparts. Use of any other paTt may create a hazard or cause product damage. _k WARN|NG: Alwayswear safety goggles or safety gta.sesswith side shieldswhen usingcompressed air to clean tools. ITthe operationis dusty,siso wear a dust mask. _lk WARNING: To avoid seriouspersonalinjury,always remove the battery pack from the tool when cleaning or performingany maintenance. G ENERAL MAINTENANCE Avoid usingsolvents when cleaning plastic parts. Most plasticsaresusceptibleto damage fromvarioustypes st commemia] solventsand may be damaged by their use. Use clean cloths to remove dirt, dust, sit, grease, eta. _1_ WARNING: Do not at any time let brake fluids, gasoline,petroleum-based products, penetrating oils,etc. come ]n con'_ct with plastic parts. Chsmi- Pals can damage, weaken or destroy plasticwhich may result in serious personalinjury. Only the parts shown on the parts[(stareintendedto be repairedor rep(aced by the customer.All other parts should be replaced at a SearsServiceCenter. CHUCK REMOVAL See F-_ums 12-14. The chuci( may be removed and replaced bye new one. • Lock the switch triggerby placing the directionof rotation selectorincenterposition. • |nsert a 5116in.orlargerhex keyintothe chuck of the driUarid tighten the chuck jaws securely. • Tap the boxkey sharplywith a ma[(etina clockwise direc_on. This w|_ loosenthe scrs_, _nthe ohucY,tot easy removal KEYt,.ESS CHUCK Fig. "t2 • Open the chuck jaws and remove the hsx key. Usinga scrawdriver,remove the chuck screw by b._'ningit in a clockwisedirection. NOTE: The screw has left hand threads. SCREWDRIVER Fig.13 16 • Insert the hex key into the chuck and tighten the chuck jaws sacurety.Tap sharplywith a m_et in a counterclockwise d_rection.This wilt loosenthe chuck onthe spindle. It can now be unscrewedby hand. N_-_ET Fig. 14 TO RETIGHTEN A LOOSE CHUCK l'ha chuck may become loose on the spindle and develop a wobble. Periodicallycheck the chuck.screwfor tight- ne_s. • Lockthe switchtriggerbyplacingthe directiono! rotation selector in the canter position. • Open the chuck iaws. • insert the hex key into the chuck and _ghten the chuck jaws sscurel'/. "Tapthe hex key sharplyw_h a mallet in a clockwise direction.This will tightenthe chuck on the spindle. • Open the chuck jaws and removethe hax key. • Tighten the chuck screw. NOTE: The...
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