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Categoría: freidoras

Agregue los ingredientes restantes. Coloque el control de temperatura en SIMMER. Tape y cocine a fuego lento por 1- 1. 2 horas o hasta que la carne quede tierna. Saque la carne de la sarten. Combine 1. 4 de taza de agua fria con una cucharada de harina y echela a la mezcla de tomate en la sarten. Cocine y revuelva hasta que espese y burbujee. Sirva la carne y echele la salsa de tomate encima con una cuchara. Camarones y Verduras Revueltas Fritas 3. 4 Lb. (363 gr.) de camarones crudos, 1 pimenton

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Categoría: freidoras

Bulk Oil System: Ensure a complete and clean filter pan is in place. JIB Oil System: Ensure an MSDU or suitable metal container is in place under drain. 7. Press the • (1 yes) button (see Figure 122). JIB Oil System: Computer displays is Disposal unit in Figure 122place, alternating with yes no. Press the • (1 yes) button to dispose the oil (see Figure 123). Bulk* Oil System: Computer displays disposing. *If CHK PAN is displayed, remove and replace the filter pan. Figure 117 Figure 118 Figure 12

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Categoría: freidoras

Para • obtener una comida frita de buena calidad, es necesario que mientras los alimentos se estan friendo queden totalmente rodeados de aceite. Si se frie una cantidad demasiado grande la temperatura del aceite baja mucho, y el resultado es una comida "empapada". Asegurese de quitar todos los • cristales de hielo de los alimentos y que estos esten completamente secos. El exceso de agua y hielo hara 4 que el aceite caliente salpique y/o se rebose. Los alimentos rebozados• (empanado, batido, etc.

Descargado: 1   Tamaño del archivo: 102 kb   Fabricar: Frymaster  
Categoría: freidoras

4. Tenga mucho cuidado al utilizar cualquier aparato electrico cerca de ninos. Este artefacto no debe ser utilizado por los ninos. 5. Desenchufelo del tomacorriente cuando no lo utilice y antes de limpiarlo. Deje que se enfrie antes de ponerle o quitarle partes, y antes de limpiarlo. 6. No utilice ningun artefacto si el cable o el enchufe estan danados o luego de una falla, o si ha sufrido cualquier tipo de dano. Llame a Servicio al Cliente (ver garantia) para que sea examinada, reparada o ajust

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Categoría: freidoras

The skillet must not be connected to a wall outlet during cleaning. A Warning! Do not immerse the temperature controller (7) in water or any other liquids. This may cause electric shock or damage the appliance. •32 soft cloth. • Rinse well and dry all parts thoroughly. • Place the skillet on a heat resistant work-surface. NOTE: Do not use steel wool, abrasive cleaners, or metal scouring pads on cooking surfaces as this will damage the non-stick coating. • Lightly brush cooking surface wi

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Categoría: freidoras

CDI. 6 OPERATION Note: To lock the basket handle (5) in place, press the bars together (///.CO- Slide handle between the slots {¡II. CcT)) while inserting the ends of the bar into the bracket holes {III. CO). Do not assemble in any other way (ill. CJL) + CECf This may lead to an unstable setup and might cause injuries. CAUTION: Do not fill the frying basket (4) over half way. Too much food causes the oil to overflow during operation. NOTE: Your deep fryer is provided with a safety protectio

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Categoría: freidoras

If the control panel assembly (21) is not properly placed in its position, the control panel assembly will not operate. 8. Dry all parts thoroughly after cleaning before using the deep fryer. Cleaning filters NOTE: Clean the filters (22), (23) every 3 months or after every 12 uses. 1. Open the filter cover (24) and remove filters (22), (23). 2. Clean the filters (22), (23) in hot soapy water, Rinse and dry. 3. Clean the inside of the filter cover (24) with damp soapy sponge. Rinse and dry

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Categoría: freidoras

Next, ensure the ignition wire is connected properly at both ends and examine it for obvious signs of damage. Again, if damage is due to excessive heat in the fryer, that problem must also be corrected. DANGER MAKE SURE YOU ARE HOLDING THE INSULATED HANDLE OF THE SCREWDRIVER AND NOT THE BLADE. THE SPARKING CHARGE IS APPROXIMATELY 25,000 VOLTS. Check for proper operation by disconnecting the wire from the ignitor, inserting the tip of a screwdriver into the terminal, and holding it near the frame

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Categoría: freidoras

This in turn interrupts the 24 VAC to the ignition module, resulting in closure of the gas valve. Control Options 24G Series Flatbottom gas fryers are equipped with Thermatron temperature controller. The fryer is turned on and off by means of a rocker switch and the temperature is set by adjusting a potentiometer. The Thermatron board is located in the wireway box behind the control panel, or in a component box inside the cabinet (depending on fryer configuration). The Thermatron temperature con

Descargado: 4   Tamaño del archivo: 551 kb   Fabricar: Frymaster  
Categoría: freidoras

NOTICE This appliance is intended for professional use only and is to be operated by qualified personnel only. A Dean Factory Authorized Service Center (FASC) or other qualified professional should perform installation, maintenance, and repairs. Installation, maintenance, or repairs by unqualified personnel may void the manufacturer’s warranty. NOTICE This equipment must be installed in accordance with the appropriate national and local codes of the country and/or region in which the appliance i
