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SPLITTER BETWEEN AIR INTAKE AND DISCHARGEbetween the completed wall case/extension assembly and the wall opening. It is recommended that the extension be painted and corner and lap joints be additionally sealed with a quality grade sealant. SEALANT - ALLFOUR (4) FLANGES CUT DRAIN SLOTSIN BOTH FLANGES(FOUR REQUIRED) TO MATCH DRAINHOLES IN RAB71/77 FLANGES ANDDRAIN HOLELOCATIONSSAME AS ONWALL CASE 1" WIDE45° DRIP LIP FLASHING (FIELD SUPPLIED) 13-3/4" + D" D 10-5/8" ± 1/4" RAB71/77WALL CASE 1-1/2" (4 SIDES) EXTENSION(FIELDSUPPLIED) screws (driven from the wall case to the extension) to attach the two assemblies. Clean all drain holes of excess sealant. The assembly must be free draining. . Install flashing, using a quality grade sealant between the flashing and wall as shown in section A- A below. Install the wall case/extension assembly following 4. procedures described for a standard installation. See diagrams below. The assembly should be sealed or caulked to the wall around all four sides both outdoors and indoors. NOTE: The wall case/extension assembly should be level. 6-1/4" ± 1/4" AS REQ'D. 1/4" MIN. CAULK* CAULK* CAULK* CAULK* SECTION A-A ALL 4 SIDES ALL 4 WALL - ANYCONSTRUCTIONRAB71/77ROOMCABINET CASEEXT. SEE DETAIL*Caulk around perimeter of wall case all four sideswhere it joins the building - Interior and Exterior.EXTENSIONALL 4 FLANGESWALL CASE FLASHING SIDES SECTION A-ABASEPAN/FLANGE DESIGNSHOWING SEALANT LOCATIONS. WALL ALTERNATE – CASE RECESSION LESS THAN 3" WITH SIDES AND TOP OF WALL OPENING WATERPROOF, FLASHING ON BOTTOM ONLY CAULK* A B D C A B1" WIDE 45° DRIP LIP FLASHING OUTDOORGRILLE CASE For an installation that will provide better protection against water infiltration, GE recommends the use of one of the deeper RAB71 wall cases offered as special order items. See page 21. DIMENSIONS: *Caulk around perimeter of wall case all four sides DISTANCE FROM GRILLE OR CASE TO OUTSIDE SURFACE OF WALL PLUS 2" TO 4" A. where it joins the building - Interior and Exterior. (TO INSERT UNDER CASE). 1" DRIP LIP (MINIMUM) B. 42" PLUS - SUFFICIENT TO FIT SNUGGLY UNDER AND UP AROUND THE CASE. C. 2" MINIMUMD. (CAUTION: WHEN CAULKING DO NOT BLOCK DRAIN HOLES IN CASE OR GRILLE. ) IF GRILLE IS TO BE MOUNTED TO WALL SURFACE A SPLITTERS MUST BE USED, SEE PAGE 30. ge.com 1 2 RAB71/77 WALL CASE INSTALLATION - RAK204 SERIES SUB-BASE CONNECTED Example: frame & brick veneer - dimensional data and comments Are also applicable to other types of construction TOP VIEW Manufacturer RequiredMinimum Installation Clearance1/4" (See note 1) 3" Min. (5" MAX.) 2-3/8" Minimum0" Minimum 2" RecommendedSee pages 38-39 for ducted application. DimensionABCDNOTE: 1. FOR OUTSIDE FLUSH MOUNTING SEE PAGE 31 FORFLASHING INSTALLATION. 2-3/8"MIN.FINISHEDINTERIORWALL LEVELING SCREW LEVELING SCREW RAB71 13-3/4" RAB77 13-7/8" 5.15" 7.70" 18.86" 1.5" 5.15" 7.70" 10.30" 8.80" BACK VIEWFRONT VIEW 42" D DSEE NOTELEFT SIDE INTERIORADJACENTWALL 12-3/4" 12-7/8" 13" LEVELING SCREW KNOCKOUT SIZELARGE 1-1/8" DIA. SMALL 7/8" DIA. KNOCKOUTS(ENCLOSURE) 4 REAR; 4 BOTTOM * SHOWN WITH ACCESS COVERS REMOVED. NOTE: CAUTION - REMOVE KNOCKOUTS FROM INSIDE OUT. SIDE VIEWWITH WALLCASE SHOWNIN PLACE FINISHED FLOOR 3" MIN. ADJUSTABLETO 5" 1-5/16" 2-3/8"INTERIORWALL RAB71 16" RAB77 16-1/4" 7/8" 1-1/2" FINISHED FLOOR RAB71RAB77 SIDE VIEW MAX. WALL THICKNESS11-1/8" MOUNTING SCREWSAND HOLES BYINSTALLERLEVELING SCREWS(2) SUB-BASE BODY(2) SIDE EXTENSIONS CONDUIT ENTRY(ALTERNATES) CAULK* ROOM CABINET C A B CAULK* 3-11/16" 2-3/8" MIN. CASEEDGE TO FINISHEDWALL 13-3/4" CAULK* *Caulk around perimeter of wall case all four sides where it joins the building - Interior and Exterior. RECOMMEND 2" TOINTERIOR ADJACENTWALL BOTH SIDES. 16"16-1/4" RAK204 SERIES SUB-BASE INSTALLATION AND ELECTRICAL DATA RAB71/77 Wall Case RAK4002B CHASEWAY OPTION(Shown Without Chassis and Wall Case for Installation Location Only.) NOTE: TYPE “E” MOUNTING CLIP MUSTBE USED WITH MOLDEDCASE. MOLDEDCASESUB-BASEMOUNTING CLIPTYPE “E” TYPE“D” USE WITHRAB71 TYPE“E” USE WITHRAB77 TYPE “A” TYPE “B” TYPE “C” 6 REQ’D. 2 REQ’D. 8 REQ’D. GREENGROUNDSCREW(TYPE “C”) METAL CASESCREW CLIPTYPE “D”TYPE “A” SCREWTO SECURESIDE CHANNELS 6" 5/32" DIA. HOLE (SEE NOTE) FOR SECURING TYPE “D” CLIPS TO SLEEVE USING TYPE “A” SCREWS 6" TYPE “A” SCREW TYPE “C”SCREW TYPE “C”SCREW TYPE “B” SCREW SIDE CHANNELS ARE ADJUSTABLEACCESS PLATES FROM 13-3/4" TO 2-3/8" IN LENGTHBY BREAKING OFF SECTIONS OF SIDE NOTE: IF METAL CASE DOES NOT HAVE SCREW HOLES, 5/32" DIA. HOLES MUST CHANNELS. BE DRILLED 6" FROM EACH SIDE IN FRONT FLANGE. (SEE INSERT). Electrical wiring may enter the sub-base through any of the knockout holes provided in the sub-base. Knockout holes in the sub-base access plate may accommodate a receptacle, which allows the use of a power cord (if permitted by code for the particular installation) A knockout for a circuit breaker, fuseholder or a disconnect is also provided. See pages 22 and 2 for description of electrical contents of these...
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