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Manual de usuario Attwood, modelo 99510-1

Fabricar: Attwood
Tamaño del archivo: 123.25 kb
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Idioma del manual:en
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Resumen del manual

Rubber isolators are provided with each canister to allow for convenient installation. Vent Line Secure 5/8" vent hose with a clamp over each port (not included). Secure the vent hose as needed with hose mounting clamps for proper routing of hose and to ensure there is not stress on the hose at the connection to the canister. Integrated System Requirements Liquid fuel is not permitted to enter the canister. This can be managed by installing an in-line surge protector vertically +/- 45° as close to the tank as possible. There must be no less than 24" of hose between the inline surge and the canister all of which must be self draining to the tank. Liquid water must not enter the canister from the exterior of the vessel. This can be managed by installing a P-trap or similar device at the vent hardware mounted to the hull. Ullage must be designed into the integrated tank to allow a minimum of 5% of the tanks total volume to remain unfilled with fuel. This allows for the safe expansion of the fuel during a system increase in temperature. © Copyright 2008, Attwood Corporation. Lowell, MI....

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