Manual de usuario Gigabyte, modelo GA-EP41T-UD3L
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Capability [Enabled] CPU Multi-Threading (S) [Enabled] Limit CPUID Max. to 3 (li) [Disabled] No-Execute Memory Protect (,i) [Enabled] CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) (li) [Enabled] C2/C2E State Support (li) [Disabled] CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) (® ) [Enabled] CPU EIST Function (li) [Enabled] Virtualization Technology (,i) [Enabled] Delay For HDD (Secs) [0] Full Screen LOGO Show [Enabled] Backup BIOS Image to HDD [Disabled] Init Display First [PCI] HIgf; Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: Value F10: Save ESC: Exit F1: General Help F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults o- Hard Disk Boot Priority M$ft ° #M^-^3^£ ’ ’ ^^#<+>/^ > A<->/M#^^T# ’ ° #T«#l^ih^it, c o- Quick Boot ««f#€^#M$ftW#W - m$ftra*£i*+ “ (««ft : Disabled) o" First/Second/Third Boot Device (^ — /—/^^#^2) M^M c * Floppy ►► LS120 «ÄLS120Ä#Ä^ft*ra«^E » ►► Hard Disk » CDROM * ZIP «ÄZIP^ft*ra«^E » * USB-FDD «ÄUSBft#Ä^ft*IÄ^I. » * USB-ZIP «ÄUSB ZIPÄ#Ä^ft*ra«^l » USB-CDROM «ÄUSB*#Ä^ft*IÄ^I. » » USB-HDD «ÄUSB«#Ä^ft*raÄ^E » * Legacy LAN ►► Disabled мэдл^ » (ë) A314Stfett«A*fiâ®I » ^t*£#lntel CPU«#&*W^®'f# - ü ^IntelT^WâÜ^ 1 -"43"- BIOSÄ,l«Ä о* Password Check - 4,tt.i^ABiOSiÄ#l.Ä,Bf^* tAgí% ° iÄÄAS,f^if^BiOSiÄ#I.Ä,Ü®W г Set Supervisor/User Password j ° ►►Setup iü^ABiOSi^I.Ä.Bf^StAgil “ (Я4Й) ►►System ° o- HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability («^ ÄJ^SfeA^ft^E) ASIÄftfSfiS BflÄ«*$S.M.A.R.T.^i ° fltASfífftt f .fti*^*£ ,MW«íÉ£feMÉBf - “ (Sitt : Enabled) O- CPU Multi-Threading (Ä^CPU^^^Ä*) (e) ASlÄftfS#i5i&Ä*^#Ä^Ä*Wintel CPU# - ÄÄCPU#«^^#^# ►► Enabled ÄÄ^-tWCPU«'UÄ#^T^i ° (Sitt) ►►Disabled ifÄÄ^0CPUö'U° о- Limit CPUID Max. to 3 (*^CPUIDfePMi) (e) ASIÄftfSfiS R«Äa»#^CPUiDÄÄi«W*^Ä ° ^^*^Windows XP^^.f.ft - ffAS^tá г Disabled j ; ft - W^Windows NT 4.0# - ##А®^йД г Enabled j ° (1ЙЙ : Disabled) o- No-Execute Memory Protect (Intel^#P^iI_^E) |e| ASfÄftfSfiSÄÄintel Execute Disable Bit^it, c Wftft'Ä^buffer overflow)e^j£#- ° (Sitt : Enabled) O- CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) (Intel CIE^E) ^ ASlÄftfSfiSÄÄintel CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) (fft«.I*.;®#WCPU^Ü i) “ ÄÄASlT«S#-fti®EÄ®# - BH&CPUBfm^tM - «ä^'&tf “ (S itt : Enabled) o- C2/C2E State Support