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Manual de usuario Roland, modelo SP-505

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Resumen del manual

*y wü w*L 3© —feübfl j ~ 2 3,4 1. Turn on the POWER switch of the SP-505. 2. Press (PAD BANK]. A list of the pad banks will be displayed. FAD EftHK SELECT preset ernki ♦PRESET BRNK2 ♦PRESET BRNK3 ♦PRESET BANK4 ♦USER BRNK1 USER BRNK2 USER BRNK3 3. Select the pad bank. For this example, press pad [5] to select USER BANK 1. 4. Press pad [5]. The sample will play. S. Press [CHOP]. 8. PAD # : USER 1-5 I rspe : mono 1 Resolution i 6. Use the VALUE dial to set the detail (RESOLUTION) at which the sample will be divided. Higher settings will cause the sample to be divided into a larger number of samples. 7. To execute the operation with the resolution level you specified in step 6, press [FI] (EXECUTE). To cancel, press [F2] (CANCEL). If you press [F3] (CANCEL) while the display indicates “Processing Data...," the operation will be aborted. Pads [1]-[16] will light automatically, and will play back the divided sample. A screen will ask you whether to save the divided samples. To save, press [FI] (YES). To cancel, press [F2] (NO) or [EXIT]. If pad banks 13-14 (Chop banks; p. 29) already contain samples, a message of “OK to Overwrite?" will appear. If you do not mind changing the samples of pad banks 13-14, press [FI] (YES). To cancel, press [F2] (NO). Never turn off the power while the display indicates “Keep Power Oni" 26 Quick Start Playing pilches with a sample (Pilch) The SP-505’s “Pitch” function lets you play different pitches with a sample. * It is not possible to play pitches with a stereo sample. * It is not possible to play pitches with samples of the Pitch bank. 1. Turn on the POWER switch of the SP-505. 2. Press IPAD BANK]. A list of the pad banks will be displayed. BEBE3SBHB1IS . _ _ pi ii 1111 ha i iii A 2 «PRESET BRNK2 A 3 «PRESET BRNK3 A 4 «PRESET BRNK4 A 5 «USER BRISK! 6 USER BRNK2 7 USER BRNK3 3. Select the pad bank. For this example, press pad [4] to select PRESET BANK 4. 4. Press the pad of the sample that you want to use to play pitches. For this example, press pad [14]. 5. Press [PITCH]. IJéMÏI PfiD « Tape PRESET l*f MONO Pitch Mode i wwai □ri9inal Keyî C Pitch BanU t 1 6. Use the VALUE dial to select the mode. Pitch Mode SOLO L: Suitable for single-note samples of low-range instruments such as bass. SOLO H: Suitable for single-note samples of high-range instruments such as piano or guitar. MUSIC: Suitable for most music samples. * Depending on the sarapie, it may not be possiWe to play pitches successfully. 7. Press CURSOR [i] to move the cursor to “ Original Key." You can select one of the pad sounds, and use it to play scaled pitches. Use the VALUE dial to select the pad whose sound you want to use to play scales. Original Key: C. C#, D. D#. E, F. F#, G. G#. A. A#, B. C In this case, set this to G. Pads correspond to keys as follows. I3II3ÜIÎEI 00S000E0 8. Press CURSOR [4-] to move the cursor to " Pitch Bank.” 9. Use the VALUE dial to select the pitch bank. Pitch Bank: 1, 2 10. To execute the Pitch function, press [FI] (EXECUTE). To cancel, press [F2] (CANCEL) or [EXIT], Pads [2}-[16] will light automatically, and will play the sample at different pitches. pad * Î PRESET *+-1* Keep Power Dn! Processing Data... IWESSSSBÊ * Depending on the volume of the original samp/e, the sound may distort if you use the Pitch function. In this case, lower the volume of the original sarapfe. (p. 44; “Adjusting the volume of a sample") * While the display indicates “Processing Data...," you can press [F3] (CANCEL) to abort the operation. * If the pitch bank (1 or 2) a/ready contains samples, a message of “OK to Overwrite?“ will appear. If it is ok to change the samples of the pitch bank, press [FI] (YES). To cancel, press [F2] (NO). 27 Quick Start Quick Stan ' When you play pitches using a sample, unwanted space may occur at the beginning or end of the sound. After the Pitch function is executed, settings will be made automatically, so only the necessary portion is sounded. If you want to make fine adjustments, refer to “Specifying the start/end points of the sound (Omitting unwanted portions)" (p. 46). Never turn off the power while the display indicates “Keep Power On!” 28 Chapter 1. Playing samples from the pads What are the 32 pad banks? | Basic ways to play samples A group of 16 samples assigned to the pads of the front panel is called a “pad bank.” There are a total of 32 pad banks, allowing you to use a maximum of 506 samples. Refer to p. 30, “Switching pad banks" Pad banks 1-4 Pad banks 1-4 of the SP-5G5 contain preset samples. These preset samples cannot be erased. Pad banks 5-12 Ordinary samples can be stored in these banks. Pad banks 13-16 The SP-505 has “Chop” (p. 26, 51) and “Pitch” (p. 27, 54) functions that process a sample in special ways. Samples that are newly created by these functions are stored in special pad banks reserved for these purposes. Pad banks 13 and 14 (Chop...


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