Manual de usuario Roland, modelo TDW-1
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i&b Words in parentheses () indicate the button names printed in orange on the TD-10. 15 Chapter 4 Trying Out the New Functions Switching the "Group Fader" Function You can separately adjust the volume levels of the toms and cymbals. The functions of 3 faders in the right will be switched. MODE 1 (original TD-10) OTHERS BACKING CLICK MODE 2 (New fonction) TOMS CRASH RIDE Procedure Hold down [SHIFT (KIT)] and press [FADER MODE (TOOLS)]. Words in parentheses () indicate the button names printed in orange on the TD-'IO. When you select Fader Mode 2, the far right dot of the LED display will light. Even when the Fader Mode is switched, the settings values for each faders do not change. After adjusting the volume balance of the toms, crash, and ride in Mode 2, if you return to Mode 1 and move the "OTHERS" slider, the set balance of mode 2 will be cleared, and the volume is set to the slider position. Choosing the Global Output/ Pan Destination A function has been added to allow mixer output settings (output and pan) to be set for all drum kits in common. When tliis is turned "ON," shared settings will be recalled for all kits when you make pan and output settings. Procedure Press [SETUP] - [F3 (CTRL)] - [F4 (OPTION)]. Parameters Global Output/Pan: OFF/ ON OPTION Global Output.-'Pan rraa Mix Ir> Output Master Preview Dynamics ON ■ Global Output/Pan=ON Make pan and output settings common to all drum kits.The upper left of the screen will indicate either "GLOBAL PAN" or "GLOBAL OUT." Global Settings (Common to all drum kits) »>1 lagk (GLOBAL OUTllMD Ba' UP K 36 ftSSiSn lll-HI-M gms i 2 3 4 h c c ehr IBM# ^BSEaraiSRi»üöü' PAN OUTPUT While global output/pan is turned "ON," the pan and output settings that were made for each individual drum kit will be ignored. ■ Global Output/Pan=OFF Set the pan and output for the currently selected drum kit. This can be set for each drum kit. The upper left of the screen will indicate either "PAN" or "OUTPUT. 16 Chapter 4 Trying Out the New Functions Adjusting the Pedal Hi-Hat Volume For each kit, you can adjust the volume of the pedal hi-hat. Procedure Press [KIT] - [F2 (FUNC)] - [F2 (HI-HAT)]. Parameter Pedal HI-HAT Volume: 0-127 HI-HAT SETTINGS Pedal Hi- -Hat Volume FD-7 Improved Compressor The compressor can now be applied more strongly, and the settings now have different strengths. Setting Example (The settings that makes less volume level changes and more average volume level) 1. Turn "AMBIENCE" off and "COMP" on by FX SW. 2. In the compressor setting screen, set Ratio to "°°:1", ATTACK to "0.05 (minimum)", RELEASE to "25." 3. Hit the pad with "medium" force, and turn down "Threshold," and set the value when volume levels beginning to turn down, (ex: -30) Threshold T ® Striking force 4. Set the "Ratio" the value between "2:1" and "8:1" to set the compression ratio. Striking force 5. Raise the "ATTACK Time," until the attack sound of percussion instrument can be heard, (ex. 1 ms) ATTACK Time (ATTACK): Specify the time from when the volume goes up the threshold level until the compressor effect applies. Increasing the "Attack Time" value may cause less compressor effect. Parameters: 0.05-50 (ms) Release Time (RELEAS): Specify the time from when the volume falls below the threshold level until the compressor effect no longer applies. Increasing the "Release Time" value may cause a different problem when playing very fast, as the latter sound may fail to respond. Parameters: 0.05-2000 (ms) 6. Set the "OUTPUT." While repeatedly turning "COMP SW" ON and OFF, set the "OUTPUT" until the resulting volume stabilizes at the loudest level. On an expanded TD-10, the range of the OUTPUT setting has been changed, so it now ranges from -48-+24. Typical Settings Threshold Ratio ATTACK RELEASE Limiter -10 - -20 ~:1-8:1 0.05 25 Compressor -20--40 8:1-2:1 1.0 25 Sound processing -40--60 2:1-4:1 0.05 -10.0 25 17 Chapter 4 Trying Out the New Functions Choosing an Instrument from Group Names You can choose the instrument from group categories. "EXP" will be added to the group name of instruments that were added by the TDW-1. "INST" screen INST iai[ KICK! 36 CSSS — Group_2£DIT EXF U-KICK Inst 601 Bal lad K Move the cursor to "Group" and select the group name. Function buttons 1F3 (IN «► EX)]: Cycle between TD-10 instruments (TN) and TDW-1 instruments (EX). "INST LIST" screen INST LIST BBC KICK! 36 Group:exp u-KicK mmtF® m izt k BBH 60’S K 8SH DiSCO K HBH HeuyfitkK pwa PileDrvK BBH Pop K LRBock K Press [FI (GROUP <)] and [F2 (GROUP ► )] to select the group name. Function buttons [FI (GROUP 4)]: Select the group name. [F2 (GROUPS )]:Select the group name. [F3 (IN 4 ► EX)]: Cycle between TD-10 instruments (IN) and TDW-1 instruments (EX). To see which instrument group can be selected here, refer to "Instrument List" (p. 22). Changing an Instrument's Pitch with the Hi-Hat Controller This setting allow...