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Manual de usuario Casio, modelo LK-160

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Receive Receipt changes Bend Range. 10 9.12.2 Fine Tune Message Format: BnH 64H 01H BnH 65H 00H BnH 06H mmH BnH 26H llH n: MIDI Channel Number mm: MSB Value ll: LSB Value Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive Receipt changes the fine tune of the corresponding part. 9.12.3 Coarse Tune Message Format: BnH 64H 02H BnH 65H 00H BnH 06H mmH BnH 26H llH n: MIDI Channel Number mm: MSB Value ll: LSB Value Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive Receipt changes the coarse tune of the corresponding part. Does not affect sound source operation when the Timbre Type (see “About the Timbre Type” in “11 Program Change”) is Drum. 9.12.4 Null Message Format: BnH 64H 7FH BnH 65H 7FH n: MIDI Channel Number Send Sent when an RPN message send operation is performed. Receive Receipt de-selects RPN. 10 Mode Message 10.1 All Sound Off (78H) Message Format: BnH 78H 00H n: MIDI Channel Number Send Sent when the local control is set to OFF on the Instrument. 11 Receive Receipt stops all voices that are sounding. 10.2 Reset All Controllers (79H) Message Format: BnH 79H 00H n: MIDI Channel Number Send Sent when MIDI send related settings are changed. Receive Receipt initializes each performance controller. 10.3 All Notes Off (7BH) Message Format: BnH 7BH 00H n: MIDI Channel Number Send Sent when MIDI send related settings are changed, or when auto play is stopped, etc. Receive Receipt releases (key release) all voices that are sounding. 10.4 Omni Off (7CH) Message Format: BnH 7CH 00H n: MIDI Channel Number Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive Receipt performs the same operation as when All Notes Off is received. 10.5 Omni On (7DH) Message Format: BnH 7DH 00H n: MIDI Channel Number Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive Receipt performs the same operation as when All Notes Off is received. 10.6 Mono (7EH) Message Format: BnH 7EH 00H n: MIDI Channel Number Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive Receipt performs the same operation as when All Notes Off is received. 12 10.7 Poly (7FH) Message Format: BnH 7FH 00H n: MIDI Channel Number Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive Receipt performs the same operation as when All Notes Off is received. 11 Program Change Message Format: CnH ppH n: MIDI Channel Number pp: Program Number (Note1) Note1 : For details about the relationship between the program number and the tone, see the Tone List that comes with the Instrument. Send Sent when a tone is selected. Receive Receipt changes the tone of the corresponding part. The selected tone is determined by the program value of this message and the Bank Select message value received prior to this message. Also note that receipt of this message also may change the Timbre Type that corresponds to the selected tone. For more information, see “About the Timbre Type” below. About the Timbre Type Tones that are selected by each Instrument part have an attribute that depends on the sound source operation type. This attribute is called the “timbre type,” which is one of the types described below. • Melody This timbre type optimizes for normal melody tones. • Drum This setting optimizes for drum sounds. The damper pedal does not function. The Hold1, Channel Coarse Tune, and Master Coarse Tune messages are ignored if they are received. 12 Channel After Touch Message Format: DnH vvH n: MIDI Channel Number vv: Value Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive Receipt adds, to the tone being sounded, modulation of a depth specified by the value. In the case of a tone that already has modulation applied, receipt of this message increases the modulation depth. The modulation effect differs according to the tone being used. 13 13 Pitch Bend Message Format: EnH llH mmH n: MIDI Channel Number ll: Value LSB mm: Value MSB Send Sent when the bender is operated (CKT-3200, CTK-3300 only). Receive Receipt changes the pitch of the currently sounding note. The range of the pitch change depends on the Bend Range value setting. 14 Part III System Message 14 Timing Clock Message Format: F8H Send Sent when auto accompaniment is used. Receive This message is not received by this Instrument. 15 Start Message Format: FAH Send Sent when auto accompaniment is used. Receive This message is not received by this Instrument. 16 Stop Message Format: FCH Send Sent when auto accompaniment is used. Receive This message is not received by this Instrument. 17 Active Sensing Message Format: FEH Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive Once this message is received, the Active Sensing mode is entered. If no MIDI message is received for a specified amount of time, voices being sounded by this Instrument’s sound source are released, the controller is reset, and the Active Sensing mode is exited. 18 System Exclusive Message Message Format: F0H....F7H The Instrument sends and receives universal system exclusive messages. 15 18.1 Universal Real Time System Exclus...


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