Resumen del manual
Also, check that all cables are connected to the right connectors; it does matter which way the inputs and outputs are connected. 3. If DMX connectors are fairly short, ordinary microphone cables ©American DJ Supply® -- DJ Scan 250HP™ User Manual Page 11 may be used. For longer runs, this may cause data transmission problems (which will show up as random or incorrect movements) for best result, use proper balanced data transmission cable. Unit does not respond to sound; 1. Be sure the audio sensitivity knob is turn in the full clockwise position (maximum sensitivity). Unit blacks out in stand alone mode; 1. Some of the units’ built-in patterns include special effects such as blackout sweeps. 2. Be sure the audio sensitivity knob is turn in the full clockwise position (maximum sensitivity). If problems are not resolved; Contact your American DJ® customer support for possible service options. DJ Scan 250HP™ Product Registration The DJ Scan 250HP™ carries a one year (365 days) limited warranty. We recommend you fill out the enclosed warranty card to validate your purchase. All returned service items whether under warranty or not, must be freight pre-paid and accompany a return authorization (R.A.) number. If the unit is under warranty, you must provide a copy of your proof of purchase invoice. Please contact American DJ® customer support for a R.A. number. ©American DJ Supply® -- DJ Scan 250HP™ User Manual Page 12 DJ Scan 250HP™ Master/Slave Settings DJ Scan 250HP™ DMX Traits ©American DJ Supply® - - DJ Scan 250HP™ User Manual Page 13 ©American DJ Supply® - - DJ Scan 250HP™ User Manual Page 14 Channel Value Function 1 0 - 255 PAN 2 0 - 255 TILT 3 0 - 1 3 9 COLOR 0 - 28 LAMP OFF 29 - 57 WHITE 58 - 86 RED 87 - 115 BLUE 116 - 144 GREEN 145 - 173 YELLOW 174 - 202 ORANGE 203 - 231 PINK 232 - 255 PURPLE 4 GOBO 0 - 7 SPOT 8 - 21 SPOT SHAKE 22 - 29 GOBO 1 (metal) 30 - 43 GOBO 1 SHAKE 44 - 51 GOBO 2 (metal) 52 - 65 GOBO 2 SHAKE 66 - 73 GOBO 3 (dichroic) 74 - 87 GOBO 3 SHAKE 88 - 95 GOBO 4 (metal) 96 - 109 GOBO 4 SHAKE 110 - 117 GOBO 5 (metal) 118 - 131 GOBO 5 SHAKE 132 - 139 GOBO 6 (metal) 140 - 153 GOBO 6 SHAKE 154 - 161 GOBO 7 (metal) 162 - 175 GOBO 7 SHAKE 176 - 183 GOBO 8 (metal) 184 - 197 GOBO 8 SHAKE 198 - 205 GOBO 9 (metal) 206 - 219 GOBO 9 SHAKE 220 - 227 GOBO 10 (metal) 228 - 241 GOBO 10 SHAKE 242 - 249 BLACK OUT 250 - 255 BLACK OUT SHAKE The following details the proper dipswitch settings for the narrow and wide Master-Slave sound active programs. Please follow these setting when running four units in a Master-Slave configuration. DJ Scan 250HP™ Gobo Layout Gobo 1 Gobo 2 Gobo 3 Gobo 4 Gobo 5 Gobo 6 Gobo 7 Gobo 8 Gobo 9 Gobo 10 P rogram2 Mas ter/S lave C hart P rogram1 Mas ter/S lave C hart ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 ON 1 2 ON 1 2 Head 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 Head 3 4 5 7 8 Head 2 9 10 3 Mas ter-Head 1 ON 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mas ter-Head 1 Head 2 5 Head 3 5 5 ON ON 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ON 1 2 3 4 10 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 10 5 ON 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 Head 4 Narrow Program Wide Program DJ Scan 250HP™ Warranty DJ Scan 250HP™ Warranty A. American DJ® hereby warrants, to the original purchaser, American DJ® products to be free of manufacturing defects in material and workmanship for a period of 1 Year (365 days) from the date of purchase. This warranty shall be valid only if the product is purchased within the United States of America, including possessions and territories. It is the owner’s responsibility to establish the date and place of purchase by acceptable evidence, at the time service is sought. B. For warranty service, send the product only to the American DJ® factory. All shipping charges must be pre-paid. If the requested repairs or service (including parts replacement) are within the terms of this warranty, American DJ® will pay return shipping charges only to a designated point within the United States. If the entire instrument is sent, it must be shipped in its original package. No accessories should be shipped with the product. If any accessories are shipped with the product, American DJ® shall have no liability whatsoever for loss of or damage to any such accessories, nor for the safe return thereof. C. This warranty is void if the serial number has been altered or removed; if the product is modified in any manner which American DJ® concludes, after inspection, affects the reliability of the product; if the product has been repaired or serviced by anyone other than the American DJ® factory unless prior written authorization was issued to purchaser by American DJ®; if the product is damaged because not properly maintained as set forth in the User Manual. D. This is not a service contract, and this warranty does not include maintenance, cleaning or periodic check-up. During the period specified above, American DJ® will replace defective parts at its expense, and will absorb all expenses for warranty service and repair labor by reason...
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