All Rights Reserved. Coby is a trademark of Coby Electronics Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of (R) their respective owners unless otherwise noted. Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. Printed in the USA. and ®©2008 COBY ELECTRONICS CORPORATION. All Rights Reserved. Coby is a trademark o, coby uecuomcs co.po.auon. a.. ou.e. uademaiks a,e t their respective owners unless otherwise noted. Features and specifications are subject to chan

All Rights Reserved. Coby is a trademark of Coby Electronics Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of (R) their respective owners unless otherwise noted. Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. Printed in the USA. and ®©2008 COBY ELECTRONICS CORPORATION. All Rights Reserved. Coby is a trademark o, coby uecuomcs co.po.auon. a.. ome, uademaiks a,e t their respective owners unless otherwise noted. Features and specifications are subject to chang

All Rights Reserved. Coby is a trademark of Coby Electronics Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners unless otherwise noted. Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. Printed in the USA.

All Rights Reserved. Coby is a trademark of Coby Electronics Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of (R) their respective owners unless otherwise noted. Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. Printed in the USA. and ®©2008 COBY ELECTRONICS CORPORATION. All Rights Reserved. Coby is a trademark o, coby uecuomcs co.po.auon. a.. ou.e. uademaiks a,e t their respective owners unless otherwise noted. Features and specifications are subject to chan

All Rights Reserved. Coby is a trademark of Coby Electronics Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of (R) their respective owners unless otherwise noted. Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. Printed in the USA. and ®©2008 COBY ELECTRONICS CORPORATION. All Rights Reserved. Coby is a trademark o, coby uecuomcs co.po.auon. a.. ome, uademaiks a,e t their respective owners unless otherwise noted. Features and specifications are subject to chang

6 using Your HeadseT......................................................7 Pairing Your Headset ............................................................... 7 Adjusting the Volume ............................................................... 9 Overview of Controls During Use with Cellular Phones........ 10 TroublesHooTing........................................................12 imPorTanT informaTion............................................15 guide for safe & effeCTive use..............

Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. Printed in the USA.

Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. Printed in the USA.