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Manual de usuario Land Pride, modelo Skid Steer Rakes SR2690

Fabricar: Land Pride
Tamaño del archivo: 113.96 kb
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Resumen del manual

nclosed in oil bath Angle Adjustment Hydraulically controlled 18 degrees right and 22 degrees left Angle Cylinder 2” X 8” Depth Control 2 Each 16.5” x 6.5” Air Tires W/ sealant and 3/4” Roller bearings and Spacer height adjustment Skid Shoes Replaceable Chain Case Lubrication 2 1/2 pints of 80-90 weight Gear Lube - Add gear lube until it escapes from lower plug hole. Designs, specifications, features and information are subject to change without notice. 60 321-004S continue on next page 6/09/09 Specifications & Capacities Powered Rakes 26786 Designs, specifications, features and information are subject to change without notice. 61 321-004S end 6/09/09...

Otros modelos de este manual:
Cargadoras - Skid Steer Rakes SR2672 (113.96 kb)


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