All specifications are ± 1/4’’ and are subject to change without notice. DELICAIR laundrY BasIn TABLE OF CONTENTS PrOduCT rEgiSTrATiON iNFOrMATiON 3 CONgrATuLATiONS! 4 SAFETy iNSTruCTiONS 5 iNSTALLATiON iNSTruCTiONS Pre-Installation Procedures 6 Installation Procedures 7 Electrical Specifications 7 OPErATiON Drilling Holes for Faucet Hardware 8 Delicair Laundry Basin Operations/Control Systems 8 User Information/Serial Number Location 9 FCC Information 9 MAiNTENANCE ANd CArE Initial Cleaning 10