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these mechanisms. Also, the HP Jetdirect device behavior varies depending on its firmware revision.
Another item to consider with IP Hostname values is where the IP address may have been used before
for a previous device. A printer within the HP Web Jetadmin All Devices list may be configured with
an IP address that used to belong to a workstation or server. In some cases, these IP addresses could
have been configured via static means into network name services like WINS and DNS. Sometimes
you may see an IP Hostname of “GeorgesPC” and wonder how George’s PC became a printer. The
solution typically involves contacting the people managing the network name services and asking
them to undo the static reference. In addition, printers often use static IP addresses and, in order to
get the correct naming within the HP Web Jetadmin IP Hostname column, static name reference
configuration must take place on the network name service(s).
HP Web Jetadmin stores all acquired device data in the Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005
database that is installed during software installation. Once device discovery has occurred and initial
data is stored to this database, HP Web Jetadmin uses several polling methods to update existing
information or retrieve new device information. These polling methods work independently from one
another and can be adjusted regarding the frequency and quantity of device queries. The poll rates
can be adjusted to improve device list performance and also to adjust the amount of query traffic the
application generates. Also, all device information stored in the database has an age threshold that,
when met, can drive the software into polling the device directly in order to refresh stale data.
Consider this example:
Bill is responsible for managing 250 devices, and he needs to know whether device security features
and passwords are set correctly. Bill requires this information once per week, so that he can relay a
report to Cindy, his manager, that hardware security is in place. Bill uses an HP Web Jetadmin Group
listing named “Bill’s Devices” and a built-in HP Web Jetadmin list layout called Security. Security
layout shows Bill which protocols are disabled and which device passwords have been set. Bill can
use the column headers within the layout to find enabled or disabled security features and quickly
assess device states. How does polling feed into this scenario?
Here are a number of device polling rate settings that can be found under Tools > Options:
Device Management > Device Polling > Background
Background polling is a new feature in HP Web Jetadmin 10.2. This polling mechanism is
enabled by default and runs all the time. It supports device lists as they display data for clients.
Any time a client host displays a device list, the columns enabled within that device list are added
to the poll mechanism. In this way, polling is shared between the HP Web Jetadmin system and
any clients that are displaying device lists. Background polling also supports filtered lists (found
within the navigation tree under All Devices) and any Automatic Groups that have been
established. The poll rate can be adjusted by navigating to Tools > Options > Device
Management > Device Polling > Background (for more information, see “Pol rate settings” on
page 10).
Device Management > Device Polling > Device Lists
Device list polling is a mechanism that supports list data viewed directly through any client logged
into HP Web Jetadmin. This mechanism enables fast data updates from within the display view.
For example, Bill has 10 devices within a device group and has 15 data columns enabled. 7 of
these data columns appear on Bill’s display. This means that 15x7 items are queued into the
Device List poll mechanism and that Bill will see this data update very quickly. Device list polling
puts a priority on the data being viewed by users. This poll rate can be adjusted by navigating to
Tools > Options > Device Management > Device Polling > Device List (for more information, see
“Poll rate settings” on page 10).
Device Management > Device Polling > Device Tabs
The Device Tabs poll mechanism supports the Status and Troubleshooting tabs within any device