Fabricar: Cobra Electronics
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Mic Cord • RF Gain InstallationInstallation32MountingandConnectionHoldtheradiowiththemountingbracketintheexactdesiredlocation.Ifthereisnointerference,removethebracketanduseitasatemplatetomarkthelocationforthemountingscrews. LocationPlanlocationoftransceiverandmicrophonebracketbeforestartingtheinstallation. Selectalocationthatisconvenientforoperation, yetdoesnotinterferewiththedriverorpassenger. Thetransceiverisusuallymountedtotheundersideofthedashwiththemicrophonebracketbesideit. continuedDrilltheholesandsecurethebracket.21Connecttheantennacableplugtothereceptaclemarked“ANT”onthebackoftheunit. 3 Location Mounting and Connection Note The transceiver is held in the universal mounting bracket by two thumbscrews which allow for adjustment at a convenient angle. The bracket includes two self-tapping screws and star washers.The mounting must be mechanically strong, conveniently located. InstallationInstallationInstallationInstallation Note Connecting to an accessory fuse prevents the unit from being left on accidentally, and also permits operating the unit without running the engine. Note In positive ground vehicles the red wire goes to the chassis and the black wire is connected to the ignition switch. Note Before installing the CB radio, visually check the vehicle’s battery connection to determine which terminal, positive or negative, is grounded (positive is the larger of the two) to the engine block (or chassis). A negatively grounded vehicle has its negative lead grounded to the chassis. 445 In a negative grounded vehicle, connect the red lead of the DC power cord to an accessory 12 volt fuse. Connect the black lead to the negative side of the vehicle.This is usually the chassis.Any convenient location with a good electrical contact (remove paint) may be used. 5Plugpowercableintobackofunitmarked“Power”.Besuretoobservepolaritymarkings. Mountthemicrophonebracketoneithersideoftheunit(driver’sleft) usingtwoscrewssupplied.Bracketshouldbeplacedunderthedashsomicrophoneisreadilyaccessible. 67Attachthe4-pinmicrophonecabletoreceptacle,onthefrontofunitandinstallunitonbracketsecurely. 8 IgnitionNoiseInterferenceAntennasIgnitionNoiseInterferenceAntennas CB Antenna Note For optimum performance in passenger cars the ideal antenna location is on the center of the roof. Second choice is on the center of the trunk. Note Because many newer trucks feature fiberglass door skins, the outside mirror must be grounded to the chassis via a ground strap when antenna is mounted on the mirror bracket. Note 3-way Combination Antennas are also available which allow operation of all three bands (AM-FM & CB), using a single antenna. However, this type of antenna usually results in less than normal transmit and receive range when compared to a standard-type “Single Band” CB antenna. Call 773-889-3087 for further information. CBAntennaSincethemaximumallowablepoweroutputofthetransmitterislimitedbytheFCC,theantennaiscriticalinaffectingtransmissiondistance.Onlyaproperlymatchedantennasystemwillallowmaximumpoweroutput.Cobraloadedtypeantennamodelsarehighlyrecommendedformostinstallations.ConsultyourCobradealerforfurtherdetails,orcall773.889.3087andspeaktoaCobrarepresentative. MarineInstallationThetransceiverwillnotoperateatmaximumefficiencyinaboatwithoutagroundplate, (unlessithasasteelhull).Beforeattemptinginstallation,consultyourdealerforinformationregardinganadequategroundingsystemandpreventionofelectrolysisbetweenfittingsinthehullandwater. 61Astandardantennaconnectorisprovidedonthetransceiverforeasyconnection. Use of a mobile receiver at low signal levels is normally limited by the presence of electrical noise.The primary source of noise in automobiles is from the alternator and ignition system. Typically, when signal level is adequate, the background noise does not present a serious problem. Also, when extremely low level signals are being received, the transceiver may be operated with the vehicle’s engine turned off.The unit requires very little current and therefore will not significantly discharge the vehicle’s battery. Even though the Cobra 29 LTD SE has an automatic noise limiter, in some installations ignition interference may be high enough to make good communications impossible. Many possibilities exist and variations between vehicles require different solutions. Consult your COBRA dealer or a 2-way radio technician for help in locating the source of a severe noise. 7 OperationOperationOperationOperation Turning On TheCB/PAbuttonshouldbeintheCBposition. 821 Turning On Make sure the power cord, antenna and microphone are connected to their proper connectors before starting. EDITION 9SettingChannelSelectorSelectoneoffortychannelsandadjustvolume.TheselectedchannelisindicatedbytheLEDreadoutdirectlyabovethechannelselectorknob1 Setting Channel Selector Rotate the On/Off Volume knob clockwise to a normal listening level. OperationOperation1110continuedSwitchtotheCALposition.21CalibrateforSWR(StandingWaveRatio) SWRcalibrationisdonetoproperlyadju...