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HP ATM 622 and 155 Mbps Adapters for HP 9000 Enterprise
Servers and Workstations
Performance Report
Product Numbers J2468A, J2469A, J2499A, J3573A, and J2806CA
A series of tests were run to evaluate the performance of HP ATM 622 and 155 Mbps adapters
on various HP 9000 server and workstation platforms. The tests also measured the effect of
Classical IP and LAN Emulation interfaces, extended packet sizes, and TCP configuration
parameters on the adapter’s performance.
A second set of tests evaluated the scalability with respect to number of adapters and number of
CPUs on various HP 9000 server platforms.
This document presents the performance results and provides tuning guidelines to achieve
maximum possible performance from the ATM adapters.
Test Methodology
HP’s Netperf version 2.1 was used as the test tool in all the measurements. Netperf does the
measurements at the user level which is more conservative than measuring at the link level.
For tests with single adapter configuration, two target systems were used. A K580 system with
four CPUs and a K380 system with four CPUs were used as the target systems. For Multiple
adapter tests, up to four target systems were used. The target systems were configured with 1
Gbytes of memory. The target systems and the system under test were connected using the
FORE ASX-1000 ATM switch. The ATM software used was G.11.00.01 with Build Revision 6.21.
HP-UX 11.0 was used as the underlying operating system. All the configuration parameters were
default with the exception of modifying the LANE MTU size.
Single Adapter Configuration Test Results
The theoretical maximum TCP throughput is approximately 135 Mbps for the 155 adapter and
542 Mbps for the 622 adapter. The theoretical maximum throughput numbers are derived by
calculating protocol overheads at various layers.
With one ATM 622 adapter, the theoretical maximum TCP throughput is achieved in the inbound
direction. However, the maximum outbound throughput is limited to around 370 Mbps, due to how
the adapter uses the HSC I/O Bus. The bidirectional throughput is limited to 584 Mbps due to the
same reason. See Table 1 below.
Table 1: Maximum TCP Throughput on K580 (One CPU , Classical IP Interface, MTU 9180 bytes)
(155 Mbps Adapter)
(622 Mbps Adapter)
Outbound Throughput Mbps
CPU Utilization %
Inbound Throughput Mbps
CPU Utilization %
Bidirectional Throughput Mbps
CPU Utilization %
Performance Report on ATM adapters
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