Remove bacon for last 15 mins. Add extra 15 mins if roasting brace Casseroles 3 3 or 4 11/2 - 6 hrs. (depending on type of meat) PUDDINGS Milk Puddings 3 3 or 4 21/4 - 21/2 hrs stand dish on a baking tray and started with warm milk Baked Custard 3 3 or 4 45 mins in bain-marie Baked sponges 4 3 40 - 50 mins Baked Apples 3 4 30 - 45 mins depending on the size and type of apples Meringue puddings 1 4 or 5 15 mins or until 'tinged' with brown Apple Pie 1x9" (230mm) 6 3 45 - 55 mins stand dish on a b