You can perform nailing operations with less fatigue by doing so. A nail will be bent or the tool can become jammed if you mistakenly nail on top of another nail or strike a knot in the wood. The nail may be thrown and hit someone, or the tool itself can react dangerously. Place the nails with care. I Do not leave the loaded tool or the air compressor under pressure for a long time out in the sun. Be sure that dust, sand, chips and foreign matter will not enter the tool in the place where you le

aire deberan tener una escala de presion de 007006 funcionamiento minima de 10,7 kgf/cm2G (150 PSIG) o 1 A B 1. Ajustador de 150 por ciento de la maxima presion producida en el sistema, cualquiera sea la mayor. PRECAUCION: • La baja salida de aire del compresor o una manguera de aire de mayor o menor diametro en relacion con la frecuencia de clavado puede causar una disminucion en la capacidad de manejo de la herramienta. Lubricacion Para ajustar la profundidad del clavado, gire el ajustador. 00

(L x W x H) 14-1/2" x 3-7/16" x 11-3/8" 14-1/2" x 3" x 10-1/4" Net Weight 4.9 lbs. 5.1 lbs. Shipping Weight 6.8 lbs. 7.0 lbs. UPC Code 088381-07749-1 088381-07750-7 Makita offers a wide variety of accessories for Pneumatic Staplers. For a complete listing, please refer to the Makita General Catalog, or visit makitatools.com, or call 1-800-4MAKITA. All specifications subject to change without prior notice. All models and accessories subject to stock on hand. SNTF-0307 4M MA-0212-07 For more infor

Suitable for timber frames, roofing, joist and a host of other applicationsMakita now have a better solution with this easily portable machine. Gas nailer GN900SE Fire up to 7,200 7.2v Li-ion batteryUse of a li-ion battery allowsfor compact and lightweighttool design. 30 min charge time. Hex wrench Attached to the machine for easy access to adjust the depthof the nail drive. Gas cell chamber Quick and easy load system. LED lightservice indicator Green: Good batteryRed: Low/dead batteryOrange: Er

• Clous • Tuyau d’air • Lunettes de securite ESPANOL ESPANOL Modelo AF505 Presion de aire 4,0 - 8,0 kgf/cm2G (60 - 115 PSIG) Longitud del clavo 15 mm (5/8”) - 50 mm (2”) Capacidad de clavos 100 pcs. Diametro minimo de la manguera 6,5 mm (1/4”) Dimensiones (La x Al x An) 260 mm X 64 mm X 237 mm (10-1/4” X 2-1/2” X 9-5/8”) Peso neto 1,4 kg (3,01 lbs) • Debido a un programa continuo de investigacion y desarrollo, las especificaciones aqui dadas estan sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso. • Nota: Las

MEDIUM & WIDE CROWN STAPLERS EFFICIENCYEFFICIENCY Quick release cam-lock opens guide assembly to easily clear jammed staples, minimizing downtime Built-in air filter minimizes dust and debris, prolonging life and minimizing maintenance ACCURACY Depth drive adjustment allows user to drive staples to the precise level on the surface CONVENIENCE Hook allows tool to remain close-by but never in the way MEDIUM & WIDE CROWN STAPLERS FEATURE LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN FOR COMFORT AND CONTROL Top-Loading Magazi

No. No. Used Description No. No. Used Description 1 * * * 4 HEX. SOCKET HEAD BOLT M5X25 53 213028-1 1 O RING 2 2 414957-3 1 COVER 54 213028-1 1 O RING 2 3 415235-4 1 MUFFLER 55 322380-7 1 TRIGGER VALVE CASE 4 258018-7 2 SPRING PIN 2.5-9 56 * 1 IDLER * * * 1 TOP CAP COMPLETE 57 * 1 TRIGGER 6 261093-4 1 URETHANE WASHER 32 58 262054-7 1 URETHANE RING 3 7 421399-4 1 CUSHION R 59 310098-2 1 FEEDING CLAW 8 213416-2 1 O RING 26 60 231603-1 1 TORSION SPRING 6 9 213462-5 1 O RING 33 61 256432-1 1 PIN 4-4