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Categoría: Secadoras

OVERVIEW: 1. Grid 2. 2. Timer 3. Control lamp 4. Hose 5. Wall mounting bracket 5. 1.3.4. WALLMOUNTING: • Fasten the wall mountiong bracket on a wall so the hoses reaches the floor. Note: Place the mounting bracket with the arrow with “Top” indication pointing up. • Place the shoe and boot dryer over the bracket by clicking it in place. OPERATION: 1. Plug in the appliance. 2. Place the hoses in the boots or shoes that needs to be dried. 3. Turn the timer to the desired time – the dryer will start

Descargado: 8   Tamaño del archivo: 391 kb   Fabricar: Melissa  
Categoría: Secadoras

If the futher drying is needed, just turn the timer again. Warning: To avoid drying out the material in shoes/boots with fragile materials, do not let the shoe and boot dryer run for too long. It is better to dry the shoes in 2 shorter periods. 8 Overheating protection: In case of heat accumulation a protective device against overheating will switch off the heating automatically. • If the overheating protection has switched off, please proceed as follows: • Switch off the appliance (pull out the
