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Ep^avi^ovTai Kai naÀi ÔTav aYYÎZeTe onoioônnoTS onp£io Tqç o0ôvqç. Greek 19 preparation_ ^п^pc£тcluaaía Photo record mode а Photo record mode а Self timer* 3 Warning indicators and messages а Image counter (total number of recordable photo images) (*) а Storage media (built-in memory (SC-HMX10A/ HMX10C/HMX10CN/HMX10ED only) or memory card) а Battery info. (remaining battery level/ time) а LCD enhancer а Cont. shot а Tele macro 10 Back light И TV type (when component or Multi-AV cable is connected.) 12 Component out (when component cable is connected.) 13 Menu tab 14 Zoom position* 15 Date/Time га Record/Play mode tab 17 Manual exposure* га Manual focus* га White balance 20 Resolution 21 Scene mode (AE) / EASY Q Т pônoç ЛîlтoupYÍaç îYypaipnç çwTOYpaçfaç 21- 20- га- га- 17- а 2 г1 3 г1 4 р а ? а ? 0] 10 > 1 F Open Le 7697 И Я ÏL i 3 ns Cover * № 43 иш 01/JAN/2007 00:00 гага о- (*) The maximum number of recordable images displayed is 99,999 even though the actual number of recordable images exceeds 99,999. However, the actual number of recordable images is not affected by the count displayed. * page 28 For example, when the actual number of recordable images is “156,242,” “99,999” will be displayed on the screen. 20_ English а Т pónoc A0тoupvíac £YYPaфñc ФштoYpaФÍac 2 Auтóuaтoc xpovoöiarämnc* 3 Ev5a£ac ш unvúuaтa npoei5onoínonc а Meтpптпc aráv^v (ouvoAiräc api0uóc фш^шф^ nou unopoúv va evvpaФoúv) (*) а Méoo aпo0пкeuanc (evawuaтwuévп uvnun (VP-HMX1OA/HMX1OC/HMX1OCN/HMX1OED uóvov) П кápтa uvriunc) а iTOixeía unwa^ac (Iтá0unIXPÓvoc unanapac nou anouévei) а Evíoxuon eiróvac LCD а luvsxñ c фштoYpáфlan а Tele macro 10 Kóvтpа фштю^с в TOnoc ^Asópaonc (óтav unápxa ouvóeóqjévo шАшбю ouvlaтшaшv П Multi-AV.) 12 'EÇo5oc ou^ot^^ (óтav avai auv5e5euévc тo шАшбю ouvlaтшaшv) га KapтéAa uevoú га Oéon Zouu* 15 HuspounvíaIúpa га KapтéAa Aelтoupvíac eYYPaфñc/avaпapaYШYñc 17 Mn auтóuaтn ó<0eon* га Mn auróuam ©oriaon* га loopponía Aeu^ù 20 AváAuon 21 Т pónoc AejтoupYÍac o^viic (AE) / EASY Q (*) О uéYioroç api0uôç eYYPáфlUwv üxóvwv nou n^áAACTai dvai 99,999, atóua к1 av o uéYioroc ap^óc £YYpá^iuwv ei^vwv unepßaivei nc 99,999. Qaтóao, o n^a^c api0uóc eYYpáфlUwv ei^vwv 5ev enripeáZCTai anó тп u^pnon nou пpoßáAAстal. ^ avaтpéÇтe aтп oeAiöa 28 ria napá6eiYua, óтav o npaYuaNtöc api0uóc eYYPáфlUwv ei^vwv qívai “156.242” Aemá, aтпv o0óvn 0a q^aviora n évôa^n “99.999”. Greek 20 га 15 21 а Photo play mode m Photo plav mode Í2l Slide show / Playback zoom (з) File name (file number) @ Image counter (current image / total number of recorded imaqes) © Storage media (built-in memory (VP-HMX10A/ HMX10C/HMX10CN/HMX1OED only) or memory card) (D Battery info. (remaininq battery level/time) Í71 LCD enhancer ÍH Date/Time TV type (when component or Multi-AV cable Is connected.) Ш Component out (when component cable Is connected.) и Previous imaqe/Next imaqe и Menu tab га Return tab га Erase protection га Print mark(DPOF) га Resolution 21_ English Tpouo? AsiToupyia; avairapaywyiis cpuToypacpia; III T poTTog Aeuoupyiag avaTTapaYWYnS cpwTovpacpiac III AiaSoxiKq TTpopoAq /Zoup Kcua Tqv avaTTapavoovh I3I 'Ovoua apyeiou (api0uoc apyeiou) Si Moping eikovwv (Tpexouoa eiKova/ouvoAiKog api0(jog £VV£VPaUU£VWV £IKCVOJV) III Meoo aTTO0ri K£uor)<^ (£vow|jaKjO|j£vn Mvnpn (VP-HMX10A/ HMX10C/HMX10CN/HMX1OED povov) n KapTa uvriunc) @ Zioix£ia |JTTaTapia<;. (oTdQiJn/xpovog iJTTaiapiag ttou aTTOU£V£l) I7I Evioyuon £iKovac LCD I8I Huepounvia/wpa III Tuttcx; TnA£opaon<; (otov UTTapxa ouv8£8£|j£vo KaAu)8io ouviotwowv f\ Multi-AV.) ll 'E^o6og ouviotwowv (otov £ivai OUV5£5£U£VO TO KClAd)5lO ouviotwowv) nponVOUU£Vn £IK6va/£TTO|J£Vn £IKOVa |12| KapT£Aa uevou 1131 KouuttI acpnc £TTioTpo(pnc N npooiaoia otto Siavpacpri 1151 Iriuavon £KTUTT(joonc (DPOF) 1161 AvaAuan Greek 21 preparation USING THE DISPLAY (DI)/tCHECK BUTTON Switching the information display mode You can switch between the on-screen information display modes: Press the Display (IO)/'CHECK button. The Hull and minimum display modes will alternate. • Full display mode: All information will appear. • Minimum display mode: Only operating status indicator will appear. If the HD camcorder has warning information, a warning message will appear. Checking the remaining battery and recording capacity • When the power is on, press an hold the Display (OI)//CHECK button. • When the power is off, press the Display (IOI)//CHECK button. • After a while, the battery time and approximate recordable time according to the storage and quality appear for about 10 seconds. • If a storage media is not inserted, its icon does not appear. Display (□!)//CHECK button does not work in the menu or quick menu screen. USING THE LCD ENHANCER (a)_ Contrast is enhanced for a clear and bright image. This effect is also implemented outdoors in bright daylight. 1. Press the LCD enhancer (Gp) but...
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