Fotos y especificaciones Samsung VP-X300L![]() |
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Move the [Joystick] right ♦ During playback - The next file plays. ♦ In Pause/Stop mode - The next file appears. ♦ During playback, press and hold [Joystick(OK)] left / right to forward or reverse search the currently playing MP3 file. Life is cool.mp3 SweetCox EweeabQEKH- 192Kbps ► 00:01:07/0H:03:2K BSearch QList lOK Pause Setting to Hold - [MP3/ ‘External Camera Module HOLD] switch If you slide the [MP3/ *External Camera Module HOLD] switch down, all buttons except the Power button and Volume control are locked. The [MP3/ *External Camera Module HOLD] switch operates only in the MP3 mode or when connecting *External Camera Module. [ Notes ] * The MP3 file with tag information will display the artist name. MP3 files with no tag information will leave the item blank. If a broken file name is displayed, try renaming it on a PC. When the language set is not the same as the MP3 file's tag information language, the Artist information may not display correctly. When the earphones, Audio/Video cable or *External Camera Module cable is connected to the Sports Camcorder, the built-in speaker will turn off automatically. The Sports Camcorder only supports MP3 file format. Damaged or non-standard MP3 files may not display properly or fail to play back. Playback will fail to start if the first file is damaged. The title may not be displayed if the language is not supported or in Chinese. MP3 files with VBR setting will appear as VBR on the LCD monitor and its play time and recording time may differ from the displayed diagram. If you play a music file of which the title is too long, the title is scrolled. Supported bitrates for MP3 files is 8Kbps~320Kbps and VBR. *: VP-X300L only ( È/É ) IfiÈfëSl [Joystick] ♦ æfêSa» 2 »aft - #a±-ras*o ♦ - ±-flI*Bi» ♦ p^saa2 »a- s m№*s»ifêsa o IfiÉfëSl [Joystick] ♦ sail - #№T-iHft*o ♦ - T-fflS*BSo ♦ [joystick(OK)] Mma^aai Smftaw MP3 s*o KËSfift - [MP3/ 'External Camera Module HOLD] &SSfàT;it [MP3/ *External Camera Module HOLD] H [MP3/ *External Camera Module HOLD] HHK MP3 o *W"i!l«iM MP3 S*W#BS1 fizürtjcb ' T'itlMIEW MP3 S*RES« ............ Æ« mp3 ......T'lW - o wiMiwt^a^^ssM« - ftü»Jiw9É ®rnti»a&M±5s Hffl o mtiiatsiss mp3 o ssa^mw mp3 s*^^T'#i^Bsa»;i»a ■= -w»sæfê#ao ** VBR SÆM MP3 LCD BS^±BSS VBR - R#ai*l«»ï» №ii#SBSW»ÎT'-«o iSW MP3 8Kbps~320Kbps W VBR o *: ISfflft VP-X300L 4 12 * IENGLISU MP3 Mode Play Options Setting the MP3 Deleting MP3 Files You can delete a selected MP3 file or a group of MP3 files. 1. Press the [POWER] button to turn on the Sports Camcorder. ♦ The Movie Record screen appears. I 2. Set the MP3 mode by pressing the [MODE] button. ♦ The MP3 playlist appears. ♦ Move to the desired MP3 file, using the [Joystick]. ia-fiSÆ№ MP3 s* ■ Deleting MP3 Files in MP3 playlist 3. Press the [DELETE] button on the LCD monitor in pause mode. Select an option by moving the [Joystick] up / down and then press the [Joystick(OK)].
Videocámaras - VP-X300 (20.04 mb)