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(3) AUTHENTICATION: select “YES”, if the SMTP server requires Authentication/Login. (4) USER: Input the login user ID if the SMTP server requires Authentication. (5) PASSWD: Input the password if the SMTP server requires Authentication. 46 (6) EMAIL ADDR: Input the e-mail address for receiving e-mail message when the EVENT is enabled and triggered. For example: In Motion Setup Menu, if the “EMAIL/NETWORK” is set to “YES”, this e-mail address will receive a text message and an “ARV” format of a still image from DVR when Motion is triggered. This “ARV” file can be played back by opening “EDRViewer.exe” that you downloaded from the DVR or the Remote Viewer. In Alarm Setup Menu, if the “ALARM EMAIL” is set to “YES”, this e-mail address will receive a text message and an “ARV” format of a still image from DVR when the Alarm is triggered. This “ARV” file can be played back by opening “EDRViewer.exe” that you downloaded from the DVR or the Remote Viewer. Note: If you are unable to play “AVI” file downloaded from “EDRViewer”, please go to the following URL: for downloading DivXPlay.exe. This will enable you to play “AVI” file successfully. 3.7.4 PASSWORD In the PASSWORD of the NETWORK SETUP MENU, we define : (1) NAME: assign the login name for remote accessing. (2) PASSWORD: assign the password for remote accessing. (3) LEVEL: assign the accessing Right/Priority of that login user. “PLAY” allows users to playback the video and to see live images. “LIVE” only allows users to see live images. 47 3.7.5 WIRELESS (This section is reserved for models that have WIRELESS function) In the WIRELESS of the NETWORK SETUP MENU, we define : (1) DHCP: Enable or disable the Dynamic Host Communication Protocol. YES: Enable DHCP service. NO: Disable DHCP service. (2) IP ADDRESS: Assign an IP address for this unit, for example: When DHCP is YES, the DHCP server will assign this value automatically. (3) SUBNET MASK: Assign a subnet mask of the network for this unit, for example: When DHCP is YES, the DHCP server will assign this value automatically. (4) GATEWAY: Assign a default gateway for this unit, for example: When DHCP is YES, the DHCP server will assign this value automatically. (5) DNS SERVER: Assign a DNS server for this unit, for example: When DHCP is YES, the DHCP server will assign this value automatically. (6) MODE: STA (Station). (7) AUTHENTIFICATION: Select from OPEN/NONE, OPEN/WEP, SHARED/NONE, SHARED/WEP or WPAPSK/TKIP. (8) AP ESSID: Enter the SSID of AP to be connected. (9) KEY: Password of the AP. 48 3.8 SCHEDULE SETUP MENU In the SCHEDULE SETUP MENU, we define : (1) DAY: MON (Monday), TUE (Tuesday), WED (Wednesday), THU (Thursday), FRI (Friday), SAT (Saturday), SUN (Sunday). WDAY: Weekday, from Monday to Friday. WEND: Weekend, Saturday and Sunday. DLY: Daily. (2) START: The start time of a scheduled record time zone. Hour: 0 ~ 23 in 24 hour time format; 1~12 in 12 hour time format. Minutes: 00 ~ 59 (3) END: The end time of a scheduled record time zone. Hour: 0 ~ 23 in 24 hour time format; 1~12 in 12 hour time format. Minutes: 00 ~ 59 (4) SET : ON: Enable a scheduled record time zone. OFF: Disable a scheduled record time zone. 49 3.9 DISK SETUP MENU In the DISK SETUP MENU, we define : (1) DISK INFORMATION: Only one disk is available in this model. (2) DISK VIDEO DELETE: Select the disk that you wish to delete, then press SELECT button from the front panel to start deletion. Note: This option is not available in this model. (3) THERMOMETRIC SCALE: Select CELSIUS or FAHRENHEIT for thermometric scale of the disk. 50 3.10 CONTROL SETUP MENU In the CONTROL SETUP MENU, we define : (1) RS 232: BAUD RATE: There are 5 different speeds that can be used to transmit instruction or information through the RS232 port on the device, which are 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 and 57600 BPS. The default setting from the factory is 9600 BPS. STOP BIT: Select stop bit : 1 or 2. PARITY: Select parity level : NONE, ODD or EVEN. DATA BIT: Select data bit : 7 or 8. The default setting from the factory is 8. Note: RS 232 pin definition is shown in APPENDIX A. (2) RS 485: BAUD RATE: There are 5 different speeds that can be used to transmit instruction or information through the RS485 port on the device, which are 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 and 57600 BPS. The default setting from the factory is 9600 BPS. STOP BIT: Select stop bit : 1 or 2. PARITY: Select parity level : NONE, ODD or EVEN. DATA BIT: Select data bit : 7 or 8. The default setting from the factory is 8. Note: RS 485 pin definition is shown in APPENDIX B. (3) RS 232 / RS 485 ID: Select ID from 001 to 255. (4) PTZ PROTOCOL: Select PTZ protocol from EVERFOCUS , PELCO-D, PELCO-P and ED2200/2250. 51 3.11 WARNING SETUP MENU In Warning Setup Menu, you will be able to do warning setting when the following situations occur: 3.11.1 FAN FAULT In FAN FAULT, we define: (1) BUZZER: Fa...
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