Reservados todos los derechos espanol Sugerencias de deteccion y reparacion de averias Sintoma Causa probable Medidas a tomar no hay salida el encendido a distancia esta bajo o no funciona Verifique el voltaje de encendido a distancia en el amplificador de voltaje y reparelo segun sea necesario Fusible quemado Verifique la integridad del cable de alimentacion y vea si hay cortocircuitos en los altavoces Reparelos segun sea necesario y cambie el fusible Los cables de alimentacion no estan conecta
Reservados todos los derechos Conexiones de altavoces del XTR2502 y del XTR5002 Los amplificadores orion XtR2502 y XtR5002 tienen una terminal de salida positiva y una terminal de salida negativa para facilitar la conexion de los altavoces a las salidas de los canales 1 y/o 2 Cada uno de estos amplificadores es estable a 2 . por canal Vea los siguientes diagramas abajo Configuracion de un canal y dos canales • La impedancia minima recomendada es 2 . en estereofonico • Las salidas se pueden confi
Reservados todos los derechos vehiculo 9 . Conecte los cables de alimentacion al amplificador (primero la terminal a tierra, luego la de 12 V+ y finalmente la del control remoto, ReM) el cable de alimentacion debe tener el fusible cerca de la bateria Ahora quite el fusible del portafusibles 10 . Conecte los cables de altavoz y los cables RCA al amplificador Verifique la calidad de las conexiones de senal y de altavoz esto determina en ultima instancia el rendimiento del amplificador orion Consul
Reservados todos los derechos 7 . Selector de crossover (X-OVER) (crossover de los canales 1 y 2): Activa el crossover de pasabajas (Low-Pass Frequency, LPF), deja pasar toda la gama de frecuencias (FLAt) o activa el crossover de pasaaltas (High-Pass Frequency, HPF) 8 . Control de frecuencia de crossover (X-OVER) (canales 1 y 2 - FLAT (all pass): Ajusta la frecuencia del crossover (de 50 Hz a 2000 Hz) para la frecuencia de pasaaltas (High-Pass Frequency, HPF) y para la frecuencia de pasabajas (L
10. Due to the high-frequency MOSFET switching power supply, filtering the power cable is not generally required (remember that the amp can’t deliver full output if the power supply is restricted). Proper grounding of the signal source is mandatory for the amplifier to reach its performance peak. If the RCA inputs are not grounded adequately via the signal source, electrical noise from the vehicle may be picked up in the system. © 2002 Directed Electronics, Inc FRONT PANEL CONNECTIONS/STATUS LED
The GREEN LED will turn off and the Protection LED will light RED when the amplifier has shut itself down due to speaker short circuit, DC offset or overheating. 7. R RRe eem mmo oot tte ee S SSu uub bb L LLe eev vve eel ll C CCo oon nnt ttr rro ool ll - Controls the subwoofer amplifier gain controls from a remote location for ease of adjustment during listening. W WWa aar rrn nni iin nng gg: ::DO NOT connect a level control knob from other manufacturers to the Remote Sub Level Control of any Di
8. T TTo oop pp L LLi iig ggh hht tt O OOp ppt tti iio oon nns ss - -i. Light On W/Service Code ii. Light Off W/O Service Code iii. Light On, W/O Service Code iv. Light Off, W/Service Code Default is Light On, W/O Service Code The amplifier contains the ability to control the lights on top of the unit behind the logo badge. In addition to custom tailoring many other features, your Directed Dealer can use a Bitwriter® (V2.0 or later) to setup the top light so that it is either on or off when the
© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc. all rights reserved PARALLEL SYNCED GAIN CONNECTIONS/SETTINGS Refer to figure 5 for wiring details. 1. I IIn nnp ppu uut tt S SSi iig ggn nna aal ll - Connect these RCA jacks as described in the Front Panel Connectionsection of this guide. 2. S SSl lla aav vve ee/ //M MMa aas sst tte eer rr S SSw wwi iit ttc cch hh • Set the slave/master switch on the master amplifier to the MASTER position. • Set the slave/master switch on the slave amplifier to the SLAVE posit
tive speakers will excite and delight the auto sound enthusiast with years of high Directed Electronics has been the quality audio reproduction. industry leader in high-quality automotive security and audio equipment since Directed SX speakers are covered by a 1990, and with the introduction of the two-year limited warranty. Be sure to SX line of high-quality loudspeakers for retain your original sales receipt, and the automobile, Directed continues to refer to the warranty section of this set n
10. Due to the high-frequency MOSFET switching power supply, filtering the power cable is not generally required (remember that the amp can’t deliver full output if the power supply is restricted). Proper grounding of the signal source is mandatory for the amplifier to reach its performance peak. If the RCA inputs are not grounded adequately via the signal source, electrical noise from the vehicle may be picked up in the system. © 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc FRONT PANEL CONNECTIONS/CONTROLS A