Respuesta de audioÄänimerkkiMode sonoreCuando pulsa un botón del menú, se oye un clic. Si no desea oír clics al pulsar un botón, mantenga pulsado el botón FM
Respuesta de audioÄänimerkkiMode sonoreCuando pulsa un botón del menú, se oye un clic. Si no desea oír clics al pulsar un botón, mantenga pulsado el botón FM
If you prefer to fine-tune or program your own limits, this can also be done in the HR Setting Mode (see page 43). The internal automatic TZ calculation is based on the following example: 84 TARGET ZONE CALCULATION FORMULA 207 - Your age x 0.7 = max HR For a 30 year old person, your calculations would be as follows: 207 - 30 x 0.7 = 186 Maximum Heart Rate 65% of this number = 121 85% of this number = 158 TARGET ZONE CALCULATION FORMULA 207 - Your age x 0.7 = max HR For a 30 year old person, your
That will enable you to review all exercise data in the Recall Data Mode. Note: The watch has 99 laps display. When it goes over 99 laps, it will start from lap 1 again, and it will keep 1 session and the last 50 laps in memory. Start the Interval Timer If the interval timer is set to ON, it replaces the stopwatch in the Chrono Mode. When the interval timer finishes the watch produces a long beep for indication. See the below figure: 52 Interval Timer Interval Time number (counts down) -To start
Today, getting the most from your exercise doesnit necessarily mean you have to spend longer periods of time to achieve those goals. With Fluid CheckTM Training, you will increase the effectiveness of your workout by monitoring and quantifying your results every step of the way. The Hydra- AlertTM will act as your personal coach and guide you to your fitness goals more effectively. Mission Statement At Acumen we have listened to what people such as yourself have been asking for in fitness equipm
To start the interval measurement, press the SSS button with the interval displayed in the lower display. Pressing the SSS button with the interval displayed does not affect start/stop of the measurement in the wristwatch. However, the elapsed time measurement in the wristwatch will start just as the interval starts, when the auto-mode is off ( lights off) and measurement is stopped. 4. When the interval counts down to zero, it will automatically change to recovery timer, which counts up until n
2. Hold down or press HOUR + or MIN + repeatedly to set and adjust the hours and minutes respectively. Release HOUR + or MIN + when you have reached the correct setting. 3. After both the hours and minutes are set, press SET AL / TIME to confirm the setting. ™ You will hear two short beeps. ™ Display returns to clock time. • Time setting is also automatically confirmed after 10 seconds after you set the time. • It is not possible to adjust the alarm time during an alarm call or the repeat alarm
pressturnClock timeAlarm timeAlarm soundsDusk timerDisplay brightness0 15 30 60 90 120 min1 - 4pressturn7 Función de simulación del anochecerClock timeAlarm