y destornillador de cruz. Elementos de montaje incluidos: (2) tornillos 3x20 mm (1) Almohadillas adhesivas de doble faz El timbre inalambrico para puerta tiene dos componentes: Timbre (Receptor) Pulsador (Transmisor) Se conecta a toma de 120 V Funciona con bateria (incluida) Configuracion del Codigo de Seguridad de Casa Cada componente del timbre tiene 3 jumpers para configurar el codigo de seguridad de casa. En la mayoria de los casos, no sera necesario cambiar las configuraciones de fabrica pa
Before installation, please read this manual carefully and keep for future reference. Required Tools • Flathead screwdriver • Drill • 1/16” drill bit • 5/32” drill bit • Phillips screwdriver Included Hardware: • 2 – Plastic anchors• 4 – Screws • 1 – Double sided Tape • 1 – 12 Volt battery Battery Installation: Chime Unit: 1. Make sure the Chime power is switched to the “OFF” position. 2. Remove battery cover by pressing the tab in the direction of the arrow and lifting at the same time. 3. Insta
Install according to applicable local electrical codes. 6. Close the back cover. Ratings: 16 V Maximum ! Warning Risk of electric shock . Turn off power before replacing switch Rick of fire . Do not exceed electrical ratings For technical support contact Jasco Products Company at 1-800-654-8483 or Made in China >'■ is a trademark of General Electric Company and is used under license to Jasco Products Company LLC, 311 N.W. 122nd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73114. Rev. 1-07 19216
Remove the chime cover and locate the two 3 position dip switches shown below. 2. Select the desired chime sound from the table below. Chime Sound Table Position 1 2 3 Westminster OFF OFF ON Ding DongKnock OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF Bronze Chime OFF ON ON Cuckoo Clock ON OFF ON FoghornGong ON ON ON ON OFF ON New Installation Instructions Use the proper type of wire for your application, in accordance with local electrical codes. If you are unsure of the requirements consult a licensed electrician. 1.
Enlamayoriadeloscasos,noseranecesariocambiar las configuraciones de fabrica para elcodigodeseguridaddecasa.Sisutimbreseactivaintermitentementeonofuncionaenabsoluto,ustedpuedesolucionarelproblemacambiandosucodigodeseguridad. El timbre y el pulsador deben configurarse con el mismo codigodeseguridaddecasaparaquelacombinaciondecomponentesfuncione. 1. Quitelaenergiadeltimbre. 2. Pararetirarlasbateriasdelpulsador,abraelpulsadorcomosemuestraaqui. 3. Localicelapuertacontornillodeaccesoalcodigodesegurida
1. With the cover face down hold the front cover while sliding the back plate to the left. 2. Using your finger gently pry up on the back cover plate. The back plate with the paper product label should come away easily. Chime Tune Setting The following instructions explain how to change the tune on the wired chime. 1. Remove the chime cover and locate the two 3 position dip switches shown below. 2. Select the desired chime sound from the table below. Chime Sound Table Position 1 2 3 Westminster
Parking the jumper on an open set of pins. The two jumpers on the left are in the parked position. Setting The House Security Code Each chime component has jumpers for setting the house security code. In most cases you will not need to change the factory settings for the security code. If your chime activates intermittently or does not work at all, you may be able to solve the problem by changing your security code. Adding Additional Buttons When adding a pushbutton to an existing system, you ne
Chime Tune Setting All wireless chimes may have more than one push button. The chime tune for each push button is set with jumpers 7-9. Single Push Button Kit: If you purchased a kit with a single push button, the chime tune will be set to Ding Dong from the factory. Dual Push Button Kit: If you purchased a kit with two push buttons, one push button will be set to Ding Dong and the other push button will be set to Westminster from the factory. The following instructions explain how to change the
Remove the battery cover on the chime. 2. Remove the white Styrofoam block 3. Unplug the red and black wires inside the battery compartment. 4. Remove the battery pack and discard appropriately. Styrofoam Block House Code Door Try-Me Wires Chime components Required Tools: Small flat blade screwdriver, drill, 1/16” and 5/32” drill bits, and phillips screwdriver. Included Hardware: (2) Plastic screw anchors (2) 4x20mm screws (2) 3x20mm screws (2) Double sided adhesive pads The wireless door chime
If the door chime does not sound, check the chime transformer or chime. 3. Turn off power. 4. Attach one wire to each of the screw terminals on the back of the button. 5. Mount the button in the desired location with two (2) screws provided. Install according to applicable local electrical codes. 6. Close the back cover. Ratings: 16 V Maximum ! Warning Risk of electric shock . Turn off power before replacing switch Rick of fire . Do not exceed electrical ratings For technical support