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Descargado: 8   Tamaño del archivo: 269 kb   Fabricar: Hobie  
Categoría: equipamiento barco

There are 4 Phillips head screws which are clamping down the steering and up/down lines. Partially unscrew them to release the line. Once the lines are free from the rudder, tie a loose knot at the ends to prevent them from getting pulled into the hull. Rudder Installation 1. Place the new rudder over the mount at the end of the boat and slide the rudder pin through to hold it in place. Slide the cotter pins through the hole and twist them around the pin with a pair of needle nose pliers. Up/Dow

Descargado: 6   Tamaño del archivo: 120 kb   Fabricar: Hobie  
Categoría: equipamiento barco

With extensive use, the rudder system may need to be adjusted. The following information is intended to familiarize you with the rudder and how it works. The left steering control line is tied off at the screw here. •The right steering control line passes up through the hole here and is tightened down with the small screw alongside it. The left steering control line passes up through the hole in the hex head bolt. These bolts give you the ability to change between a larger or smaller rudder
