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Manual de usuario Husqvarna, modelo 13524SB-XLS

Fabricar: Husqvarna
Tamaño del archivo: 1.38 mb
Nombre del archivo: HOUS2009_532428482.pdf

Idioma del manual:en

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Resumen del manual

• When not using drift cutters, loosen adjustment nuts, lower to storage position and tighten nuts securely. AUGER ADJUST- MENT NUTS STORAGE POSITION HOUSING DRIFT CUTTER FIG. 20 TO TRANSPORT (See Fig. 21) When pushing or towing your snowthrower, be sure to disengage transmission by placing freewheel control into FREE WHEEL po si tion. Freewheel control is located at the rear of snowthrower. • Pull freewheel control out to FREEWHEEL position. • To reengage transmission, push control back in. FREEWHEEL POSITION TRANSMISSION ENGAGED FIG. 21 BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE CHECK ENGINE OIL LEVEL (See Fig. 22) The engine on your snow thrower has been shipped, from the factory, already filled with oil. 1. Check engine oil with snow thrower on level ground. 2. Remove oil fill cap/dipstick and wipe clean, reinsert the dipstick and screw tight, wait for a few seconds, remove and read oil level. If necessary, add oil until “FULL” mark on dipstick is reached. Do not overfill. • To change engine oil, see “TO CHANGE ENGINE OIL” in the Main te nance sec tion of this manual. ADD GASOLINE (See Fig. 22) • Fill fuel tank to bottom of tank filler neck. Do not overfill. Use fresh, clean, regular unleaded gasoline with a minimum of 87 octane. Do not mix oil with gasoline. Purchase fuel in quan ti ties that can be used within 30 days to assure fuel freshness. WARNING: Wipe off any spilled oil or fuel. Do not store, spill or use gasoline near an open flame. CAUTION: Alcohol blended fuels (called gas ohol or using ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture which leads to separation and for mation of acids dur ing storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of an engine while in storage. To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be emptied be fore stor age of 30 days or longer. Empty the gas tank, start the engine and let it run until the fuel lines and carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuel next season. See Storage In struc tions for ad di tion al information. Never use engine or car bu re tor cleaner products in the fuel tank or per ma nent damage may occur. 12 FUEL SHUT- OFF VALVE PRIM ER SAFETY IG NI TION KEY THROT TLE STARTER BUTTON RECOIL STARTER HANDLE FUEL SHUT- OFF VALVE PRIM ER SAFETY IG NI TION KEY THROT TLE STARTER BUTTON RECOIL STARTER HANDLE OPERATION Allow the engine to warm up for a few minutes. Engine will CHOKE ENGINE OIL GAS O LINE not develop full power until it has reached normal operat- CONTROL FILL CAP / DIPSTICK FILLER CAP ing temperature. WARM START - ELECTRIC STARTER Follow the steps above, keeping the choke control in the “OFF” position. COLD START - RECOIL STARTER 1. Insert safety ignition key (packed separately in parts bag) into ignition slot until it clicks. DO NOT turn the key. Keep the extra safety ignition key in a safe place. 2. Place throttle control in “FAST” position. 3. Rotate choke control to “FULL” position. 4. Push the primer four (4) times if the temperature is below 15°F, or two (2) times if temperature is between 15° and 50°F. If temperature is above 50°F, priming is not nec es sary. NOTE: Over priming may cause flooding, preventing the engine from starting. If you do flood the engine, wait a few minutes be fore at tempt ing to start and DO NOT push the primer. NOTE: ALL ITEMS ARE SHOWN IN THEIR TYPICAL LOCATION. ACTUAL LOCATION MAY VARY WITH ENGINE ON YOUR UNIT. 5. Pull recoil starter handle quickly. Do not allow starter rope to snap back. FIG. 22 6. When the engine starts, release the recoil starter han dle TO START ENGINE and slowly move the choke control to the “OFF” posi • Be sure fuel shut-off valve is in the “OPEN” position. tion. Your snow thrower engine is equipped with both a 120 Volt Allow the engine to warm up for a few minutes. Engine will A.C. electric starter and a recoil starter. The electric starter not develop full power until it has reached normal operatis equipped with a three-wire power cord and plug and is ing temperature. designed to operate on 120 Volt A.C. household current. WARM START - RECOIL STARTER • Be sure your house is a 120 Volt A.C. three-wire Follow the steps above, keeping the choke in the “OFF” ground ed system. If you are uncertain, consult a position. DO NOT push the primer. li censed electrician. BEFORE STOPPING WARNING: Do not use the electric Run the engine for a few minutes to help dry off any mois start er if your house is not a 120 Volt ture on the engine. A.C. three-wire grounded system. Se rious per son al injury or damage to your IF RECOIL STARTER HAS FROZEN snow thrower could result. If the recoil starter has frozen and will not turn the engine, proceed as follows: COLD START - ELECTRIC STARTER 1. Grasp the recoil starter handle and slowly pull as much 1. Insert safety ignition key (Tied to recoil start cord.) into rope out of the starter as possible. ignition slot until it clicks. DO NOT turn the key. Keep 2. Release the recoil starter handle and let it snap back the extra safety ignition key in a safe place. against the starter. 2. Pl...


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