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Manual de usuario Samsung, modelo RA17VGSW

Fabricar: Samsung
Tamaño del archivo: 592.46 kb
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Idioma del manual:en
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Resumen del manual

Betore you start cleaning, smtch of! ihe refrigerator power supply and unplug the power cord. For the Exterior Clean the outside surface with a soft cloth soaked in quaMy soap'dotorgont solution. W*pc with a clean damp cloth and Iheo dry. To protect the door gasket The door gasket (especially the bottom portion) is tcrd to bo damaged due to spilled mu*, juices, otc. To protect the gaske! Irom damage it should bekcplctean at all lime. For the Interior Walls and Accessories Wipe the inside ot th© refrigerator and accessories wilh a soft cloth soaked in high quality soap/detorgont solution R-r-se and dry. After cleaning Insert all parts back in place Plug the refrigerator power cotd in and switch on. Set the contoi dial to desired sotting. Allow the refrigerator to cool for somo time betore placing food items in it. o ■* T OJf N V J 'Caution Do not wipe the door light switch with wet cloths. Too much water infiltrating into L the switch may cause an etectnc shock._ Caution The inside and outside ol your refrigerator Is finished with rust-proof treatment, so never use strong solutions, scouring deaners, grit soaps, cleaning pads etc. These materials will scratch the attractive finish and its continued use will remove the rust proof treatment. 11 Ли Ñb ¡r»i фтз| & sic uwil Ф tfvfiw 4I*fl fl ftl'lW^ ТО^чИ-КГ? tf\f dvii чг< fl ípi m$ rt nW ■fl’MM *lft *У^)<Й2 мчй «К fvix? Wvoíte? fl nrero ïjyj. 5J71 «Efli-wflt АзтФг -■У' Ртй ffc# fl orni rt «лпг P =fî râ tonte ? ч1< чт «s fc=re iatort« «tf oí üfrt ¡í avrí Ч70ТТТ '41 *i RiZîsS V*C Í îfl ñl'lí-! 3^ зтдапвяпрт? *■< J tofrate* * Ht*f ft * fà? ГЪЛттш яфлйп t nrtn4 çb wtn tô «nfl ai tfn wS. qnre? nbi iwrt aufl ■•nti £ nw un wï <1 aît*+p ati? 4Í» w pui« w? чгой ? эч! vw нпгян ï«fi'i mtr <тЛ '^Лпзп 4V. *» »r»w i ■»лчЛ» ?rOtros modelos de este manual:
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