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All of the smoke should be drawn into the fire. If this does not occur the appliance must be disconnected and the flue checked. Step 5. If there is an extractor fan in any room, this must be turned on and any doors between it and the fire left open, repeat the spillage test. Repeated operation of the spillage monitoring system whereby the OSD (oxygen sensing device/spillage monitoring system). If their is a problem with the ODS pilot going out after the stove has operated satisfactory, this indi

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If the flue size is more than 225mm (9 inches) diameter or 200 x 200mm square, a suitable lining of 150mm (6 inches) diameter should be fitted, or if the flue length is over 5.5 metres one size larger than the appliance outlet should be fitted. This should be a double skin stainless steel flexible flue liner that is independently certified for use with solid fuel. Details of suitable linings for use with solid fuel are given in the Official HETAS guide that can be viewed on their website at It i

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Any Manufacturer's Instructions must not be taken as overriding statutory requirements. During installation ensure that adequate precautions are taken to avoid unnecessary risk to yourself or any householder. In particular the danger from the caustic nature of the fire cement should be avoided by using these accepted methods: • Wear gloves when handling fire cement. • Wear goggles when chiselling or looking up chimneys. Make sure that Building Regulations are adhered to during installation along

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Categoría: Placa

(See Fig. 4.). •Re-tighten the pozi screw. Check the stove is level with a sprit level. •Repeat for the other rear leg. Fig. 4. Adjusting the rear feet WOOD STOVE VERSION - WOOD TRAY The wood burning tray should come fitted in your stove, if not please follow these instructions •Fully open the fire door, and remove the two round fuel retaining bars, •Locate the front of the wood tray, this is the end with no tabs protruding from each side,opposite to the rear end with the tabs protruding either

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Categoría: Placa

Smear a very thin layer of fire cement on the faces of the flue outlet and the blanking plate. Fit the outlet to the appliance in the desired position . Lock into place by rotating anti-clockwise and tighten by tapping with a block of wood and mallet from the inside of the appliance. Similarly, fit the blanking plate to the unused opening. Clean off any surplus fire cement. Place appliance on the hearth and make sure that it is level and does not rock. The Solution range of stoves are fitted wit
