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Categoría: Clavadoras

The owner and/or operator is responsible for maintenance, maintaining all decals or warning labels and while in use, maintaining the unit in good working order. If the owner and/or operator is not fluent in English, French or Spanish, the product warnings and instructions shall be read and discussed with the operator’s native language by the purchaser/owner or his designee. Make sure that the operator comprehends its contents. Safety information shall be emphasized and understood prior to usage.

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Categoría: Clavadoras

• Make sure the WCE moves up and down without sticking or binding. If sticking or binding occurs, discontinue use of the nailer/stapler until proper service and/or repairs are performed • Connect the air supply to the nailer/stapler. • Press the WCE against the work piece without pulling the trigger. The nailer/stapler must not operate. • Hold the nailer/stapler clear of the work piece. The work contact element should return to its original down position. Pull the trigger. The nailer/stapler mus
