To warm the other side, turn over the rolls, buns or croissants, using an oven glove or bread tongs if necessary (gloves and bread tongs not supplied), on the heat-diffusing top while it is still hot Fig. 9 . Leave for 1 or 2 minutes or start the toaster again, as required. The heat-diffusing top becomes very hot. Avoid touching it. LOOKING AFTER AND CLEANING YOUR TOASTER Clean your toaster regularly. After use and before cleaning, maintenance or putting it away, disconnect the appliance and all
-Directiva Compatibilidad Electromagnetica 89/336/CEE modificada 92/31/CEE y 93/68/CEE. - Directiva Baja Tension 73/23/CEE modificada 93/68/CEE. • Compruebe que la tension de la red corresponde a la tension indicada en el aparato (corriente alternativa solamente). • Teniendo en cuenta la diversidad de las normas vigentes, si este aparato se utiliza en un pais diferente del pais donde ha sido comprado, hagalo comprobar por un taller autorizado (vease lista adjunta). • Asegurese de que la instalac