Conecte entonces la manguera de proyeccion de carga (central) del colector a la bomba de vacio. Abra la espita inferior del colector y accione la bomba de vacio. Si el indicador de la escala (inferior) alcanza la condicion de vacio por un momento, compruebe de nuevo el punto 1 Succione durante 15 minutos. Compruebe el nivel medido, que debera ser de -0,1 Mpa (-76 cm Hg) en el lado de baja presion. Tras finalizar la succion, cierre la espita inferior del colector y detenga la bomba de vacio. Comp

Si la vibracion afectase a la casa, fije la unidad instalando una alfombra de absorcion de vibraciones... .. .. .. 106.5 566 106.5 297 Unidad interior .. Seleccion del lugar de instalacion.. Unidad exterior.. Coloque la unidad sobre una superficie que pueda soportarla correctamente y no provoque vibraciones... Asegurese de que el lugar no se vea afectado por el calor o vapor generado en las cercanias y donde la unidad pueda funcionar sin perturbaciones... Asegurese de que el lugar permita un dre

2 . Press itest ibutton, unit should trip. 3. Press ireseti button again for use . Do not use if above test fail. In the event this device trips , the cause of the malfunction is to be corrected before further use of the device . Important: 5 10. How The Unit Drains 2-wayairflow easya ccessf ilters control panel MODEL: HWR06XC6,ESA3056 2. MODE Set Switch 2-way airflow easy access filters control panel 5. How The Unit Drains MODEL: HWF06XC5 Remote control and control panel operations MODEL: HWR06

Do not use if above test fail. In the event this device trips , the cause of the malfunction is to be corrected before further use of the device . Important: 5 10. How The Unit Drains 2-wayairflow easya ccessf ilters control panel MODEL: HWR06XC6,ESA3056 2. MODE Set Switch 2-way airflow easy access filters control panel 5. How The Unit Drains MODEL: HWF06XC5 Remote control and control panel operations MODEL: HWR06XC6,ESA3056 Having set the temperature you will set the function of the air conditi

Please tie the pipe and power line together with vinyl tape as shown in the figure showing the installation of Indoor and Outdoor units. Then fix their position with holders. To enchance the heat insulation and to prevent water condensation, please cover the outdoor part of the drain hose and pipe with insulation pipe. Completely seal any gap with putty. 2 Installation Of Remote Controller 3 Power Source And Operation Test The remote controller can be placed in its holder which is fixed on w

• The contents of this section are vital to ensure safety. Please pay special attention to the following sign. WARNING .......... Incorrect methods of installation may cause death or serious injury. CAUTION .......... Improper installation may result in serious consequence. Make sure to connect earth line. This sign in the figures indicates prohibition. Be sure that the unit operates in proper condition after installation. Explain to customer the proper operation and maintenance of the unit as d

Incorrect methods of installation may cause death or serious injury. CAUTION ......... Improper installation may result in serious consequence. Make sure to connect earth wire. This sign in the figures indicates prohibition. Be sure to tighten the flare nut to the specified torque using a torque wrench. If the flare nut is tightened excessively, it may crack as time elapses, cause refrigerant leakage. ! ! SPLIT UNIT AIR CONDITIONER INSTALLATION MANUAL Outdoor Unit RAM-72Q5 (Mark is exclusive us

Это обеспечит многолетнюю эффективную и безотказную эксплуатацию Вашего кондиционера. МЕРЫ ПРЕДОСТОРОЖНОСТИ • Перед включением кондиционера, пожалуйста, внимательно прочитайте раздел “Меры предосторожности”. Это обеспечит правильное использование устройства. • Особое внимание следует обратить на значки “Опасно” и “Осторожно”. Раздел “Опасно” содержит пункты, несоблюдение которых может привести к смерти или серьезной травме. Раздел “Осторожно” содержит пункты, несоблюдение которых может привес