Asegurese que el interruptor este en posicion de apagado antes de conectar la podadora. • ANTES DE USAR LA PODADORA, inspeccionela visualmente para verificar que la cuchilla, sus sujetadores y el montaje no esten desgastados o danados. Reemplace las cuchillas y tornillos desgastados o danados en juegos para conservar el balance. • CABLES DE EXTENSION. Asegurese que el cable de extension este en buenas condiciones. El aislamiento del cable debe estar intacto sin cuarteaduras ni deterioro. Los con
(S1 or S2 service requests are those in which your production network is down or severely degraded.) Cisco engineers are assigned immediately to S1 and S2 service requests to help keep your business operations running smoothly. To open a service request by telephone, use one of the following numbers: Asia-Pacific: +61 2 8446 7411 (Australia: 1 800 805 227) EMEA: +32 2 704 55 55 USA: 1 800 553-2447 For a complete list of Cisco TAC contacts, go to this URL: Definitions of Service Request Severity
With the DVD, you have access to the same documentation that is found on the Cisco website without being connected to the Internet. Certain products also have .pdf versions of the documentation available. The Product Documentation DVD is available as a single unit or as a subscription. Registered users (Cisco direct customers) can order a Product Documentation DVD (product number DOC-DOCDVD=) from Cisco Marketplace at this URL: 8 Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine Flash PC Card Ins
Note The 16-MB MEM-C6K-FLC16M and 24-MB MEM-C6K-FLC24M linear Flash PC cards are formatted for the Catalyst 6500 series supervisor engines and are ready to use. The MEM-C6K-ATA-1-64M and 64-MB MEM-C6K-FLC64M Flash PC cards are not formatted. You must format these cards (see Table 1 on page 7 for a description of the format command.) When you enter the dir disk0: or dir slot0: commands, an unformatted Flash PC card returns a “bad device block info” or “invalid magic number” error message. Note Su
For ROMMON software upgrade details, refer to The ATA Flash PC card is supported on Catalyst 6500 series switches running Cisco IOS Release 12.1(8a)EX or later releases on both the supervisor engine and the Multilayer Switch Feature Card (MSFC). The ATA Flash PC card is supported on Catalyst 6500 series switches running Catalyst software release 7.5(1) or later releases on the supervisor engine and Cisco IOS on the MSFC. Note The 64-MB linear Flash PC card (MEM-C6K-FLC64M) is supported only on S