Otros manuales para este modelo:
Resumen del manual
Replace Covers and Cables
Replace all covers before operating the NetServer,
"Removing and Replacing the Covers."
even for a short time. Otherwise, damage to system
components may result due to improper cooling air
2. Connect the AC power cord and all other
Verify Installed Accessories (Optional)
11 Ifyouwish,youmaynowverifyaccessoriesyouhave
installed. Turn on power to the HP NetServer and the
SCSI devices connected to a disk array controller
monitor, and observe the boot screen.
board (DAC), or the integrated NetRAID controller
cannot be displayed at boot time, nor can an ISA
The boot screen lists the hardware, as it is detected,
non-Plug-and-Play board be displayed at boot
such as CPU, memory, and accessory boards. If the
system fails to boot, follow the instructions on the
Configure the HP NetServer
121. TurnontheHPNetServerandmonitor,insertthe
HP Navigator CD-ROM into the drive, and press the
Reset button. If the system fails to boot, follow the
instructions on the screen.
If you have installed an ISA non-Plug-and-Play
accessory board, you must reserve system
resources for it by using the Setup Utility. Start the
Setup Utility by pressing function key [F2] when
prompted during the boot process.
When the Setup Utility starts, select "Configuration,"
and then select "ISA non-Plug-and-Play Devices."
Use the arrow keys to highlight a selection, press
ENTER to display its options, and use the +/- keys to
change values. When you've finished, save the
Show System Information: Select "View System Information" to
changes and exit the utility.
get information about accessory boards and devices. Select "View
Resources" to view used and available system resources.
For more information about reserving system
resources, refer to Information Assistant and to
Configure Mass Storage. This NetServer is shipped with the hot-
"Configuring an ISA Non-Plug-and-Play Board" in the
swap mass storage device(s) unconfigured. To configure the
HP NetServer LH 3/LH 3r User Guide.
drive(s), do one of the following:
! Run HP NetRAID Assistant to configure one or more RAID
(If the system hangs before the Setup Utility starts,
logical drives. To run HP NetRAID Assistant, select "Execute"
remove the ISA non-Plug-and Play board, run the
from the Configure Disk Array screen.
Setup utility to reserve system resources for it, then
reinstall the board.)
! Exclude SCSI A Channel from the integrated HP NetRAID
controller, as follows:
a. Restart the HP NetServer.
b. Press function key [F2] when prompted.
Run Configuration Assistant and Installation
Assistant: If you want to change the language, select
c. When the SETUP utility menu is displayed, use the up and
"Set Preferences" from the HP Navigator main menu
down keys to highlight the "Include SCSI A Channel [Yes]"
and choose a language. Select "Configuration and
Installation Assistant." Select "Express" from the next
d. Use the + and - keys to change it to "Include SCSI A Channel
screen to begin the "Express" mode of configuration.
"Custom" configuration mode and "Replication"
e. Press function key [F10] to save the configuration and exit
configuration mode are also available. Refer to the HP
the utility program.
NetServer LH 3/LH 3r User Guide for details.
f. Answer "Yes" to the question "Save Configuration and Exit
Choose a NOS: Select the NOS you will install, and
Now?" The HP NetServer will reboot, and HP Navigator will
the version, if necessary. Installing the optional
IntranetWare NOS, which is part of the HP NetServer
Install the NOS: If you selected the HP automated NOS
Software Option Package, requires a decryption key,
installation process, you will be guided through the process by a
obtained in panel 5: "Preparation."
series of HP display screens:
Select the NOS installation mode: If you select
! Install Utility Partition: This step creates an 8 MB disk partition
certain versions of Novell NetWare / IntranetWare or
on the server boot hard disk drive where HP Navigator will copy
Microsoft Windows NT Server, you will be asked,
troubleshooting and other utilities. The utility partition is not
"Would you like to use HP's automated mode of NOS
available under SCO UNIX. Select "Execute" on the Install
Utility Partition screen to install the partition.
! Select "Yes" to choose automated NOS installation
! Execute Card Utilities: Select "Execute" on the Execute Card
for first-time installation of Novell NetWare /
Utilities screen to run the accessory board configuration utilities.
IntranetWare or Microsoft Windows NT Server on a
! Follow the instructions on the screen and in the network
factory-configured HP NetServer.
operating system's installation instructions to perform the
! Use the manual NOS installation if you are installing a
manual NOS installation.
NOS other than Novell NetWare / IntranetWare or
! For Manual NOS Installation Only: Before you perform a
Microsoft Windows NT Server, or if you have replaced
manual NOS installation, print out instructions and create NOS-
accessory components (for example, if you replaced
specific drivers diskette(s), as follows:
an HP network interface controller board with a third-
A. Create Drivers Diskette(s): On the Create Drivers Diskette(s)
party board, use the manual NOS installation).
screen, select Create Drivers Diskette(s) to create one or
View Configuration Advisories: Read the
more customized diskettes containing HP drivers and
Configuration Advisories and print them if necessary.
configuration files to use when you install the NOS.
Make any changes suggested in the advisories.
B. Print and Read Instructions: On the Show NOS Installation
Configure Remote Management: If you plan to
Instructions screen, select "Save to Disk" to copy the NOS
manage the HP NetServer LH 3 remotely, refer to the
installation instructions to disk. Then print them from disk.
HP NetServer Remote Administrator Guide for
Read the instructions first, and then follow them to manually
instructions. Select "Configure Remote Management"
install the NOS.
on the Navigator screen to configure Integrated Remote
! Install NOS: