must be worn. Always wear approved, protective gloves. WARNING: Be sure the bottom cover is secured or foreign object. Instructions on how to openvacuum inlet cover. Approvedprotectivegogglesorvisor,earprotection,andfacemaskindustyenvironmentscanbedangerous!Carelessthevacuumtubeisproperlyinstalled.AvoidtheimpellerbladewithyourhandoranySoundpressurelevelat7,5meters Use unleaded or qualityleaded petrol and two stroke oil. WARNING: The blower may throw objects at high velocity that canricochet and

Remove small limbs with one cut. S Keep the tree between you and the chain as much as possible. S Remove larger, supporting branches with the cutting techniques described in BUCKING WITHOUT A SUPPORT. S Always use an overcut to cut small and freely hanging limbs. Undercutting could cause limbs to fall and pinch saw. PRUNING WARNING: Limit pruning to limbs shoulder height or below. Do not cut if branches are higher than your shoulder. Get a professional to do the job. S Make your fist cut 1/3 of

8 STARTING A COLD ENGINE (or awarm engine after running out offuel) NOTE: In the following steps, when the choke/ fast idle lever is pulled out to the full extent, the correct throttle setting for starting is set automatically. ON/STOP SWITCH (SIDEVIEW) ON STOP 1. Move ON/STOP switch to the ON position. 2. Slowly press primer bulb 6 times. 3. Pull out choke/fast idle to the full extent (to the FULL CHOKE position). 4. Pull the starter rope sharply 5 times with your right hand. Then, proceed to t

S Use wedges made of plastic or wood. Never use metal to hold the cut open. KickbackPath Clear the working area Avoidobstructions REDUCETHECHANCEOF KICKBACK S Recognize that kickback can happen. With a basic understanding of kickback, you can reduce the element of surprise which contributes to accidents. S Never let the moving chain contact any object at the tip of the guide bar. S Keep the working area free from obstructions such as other trees, branches, rocks, fences, stumps, etc. Eliminate o

Alwaysusetwohandswhenoperatingthechainsaw. WARNING!Contactingtheguidebartipwithanyobjectshouldbeavoided;tipcontactmaycausetheguidebartomovesuddenlyupwardandbackward,whichmaycauseseriousinjury. Alwayswearappropriateearprotection,eyeprotectionandheadprotection. Soundpowerlevel 2 IDENTIFICATIONOFSYMBOLSIDENTIFICATIONOFSYMBOLS Starting Reminder Move ON/STOP switch to Pull the starter rope the ON position. sharply 5 times with your right hand. Push the choke/fast idle 6times. Slowly press primer bulb

3/04/08 530084168 - --3/07/07 Note: Illustration may differ from actual model due to design changes Allrepairs,adjustmentsandmaintenancenotdescribedintheOperator’sManualmustbeperformedbyqualifiedservicepersonnel. WARNING44454140464849535439435042473870686766651516235536353433324313022292825272624211920188237109515217566159695711125636258643716061413737172TYPE1---4 Ref. Part No. Description Ref. Part No. Description Ref. Part No. Description 1. 530047963 Assy.- ---Isolator 27. 530056402 Handle- -