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Arkon CM983

Descargado: 5Tamaño del archivo: 73 kb    Fabricar: Arkon  
Categoría: Altavoces

Push the release button (H) in order to release the device from the cradle. /K Safety Precautions Do not install Arkon products over an air bag cover or within the air bag deployment zone. Arkon Resources, Inc. assumes no responsibility of liability for injury or death as a result of car crashes and/or air bag deployment. Arkon Resources, Inc. is not responsible for any damages caused to your car, your device, or yourself due to the installation or use of this mounting solution. ARKON' The

Arkon SM283

Descargado: 12Tamaño del archivo: 73 kb    Fabricar: Arkon  
Categoría: Altavoces

Insert the lighter socket plug (A) completely into the vehicle's 12V / lighter socket. Step 2. Rotate the adjustment tightening ring (B) until the inserted end of the pedestal expands and is held securely in the 12V / lighter socket. Step 3. Using both hands, carefully bend the pedestal to desired angle. Step 4. Adjust the angle of the pedestal arm by tightening the wing nut (C) to the desired placement angle. Step 5. Attach your cradle or device to the pedestal by inserting the single T-tab

Arkon SM225-S

Descargado: 41Tamaño del archivo: 75 kb    Fabricar: Arkon  
Categoría: CPC

This will require drilling into your vehicle's interior surface. Console Mount Floor Mount Step 1. Position the Floor / Console Bracket and drill into the floor or console. Step 2. Attach the Floor / Console Bracket with screws and cover with plastic caps. Step 3. Screw the steel shaft into the Floor / Console Bracket. Pedestal Head Adjustments Step 1. Adjust the steel shaft by bending with both hands to the desired location of the male dual T-head. Step 2. Use the adjustment knob (A) a

Arkon CM925-S

Descargado: 12Tamaño del archivo: 75 kb    Fabricar: Arkon  
Categoría: CPC

Screw the flexible steel shaft into the Seat Bolt Bracket. Step 2. With a socket wrench, loosen the passenger seat bolt, insert the Seat Bolt Bracket, and retighten the seat bolt. A Safety Precautions Drilling onto the floor or console can permanently damage the vehicle. Use caution and consult a mobile install professional to avoid drilling into the gas tank, electrical system or other highly sensitive vehicle components. Arkon Resources, Inc. is not responsible for any damages caused to

Arkon BBP132

Descargado: 2Tamaño del archivo: 99 kb    Fabricar: Arkon  
Categoría: Otros dispositivos personales

Push the pedestal suction cup (A) firmly to the windshield. Flip the lever (B) down to secure the suction cup. Dash Installation (Optional, when disc is included) Step 1. Locate a safe flat surface on the dash or console to mount the pedestal. Clean the dash with the alcohol pad provided. Let the dash surface dry before applying the adhesive disc (C). Step 2. Push the pedestal suction cup (A) firmly to the disc (C). Flip the lever (B) down to secure the suction cup. Pedestal and Dual-T Head

Arkon PTM132

Descargado: 4Tamaño del archivo: 99 kb    Fabricar: Arkon  
Categoría: Otros dispositivos personales

Push the pedestal suction cup (A) firmly to the windshield. Flip the lever (B) down to secure the suction cup. Dash Installation (Optional, when disc is included) Step 1. Locate a safe flat surface on the dash or console to mount the pedestal. Clean the dash with the alcohol pad provided. Let the dash surface dry before applying the adhesive disc (C). Step 2. Push the pedestal suction cup (A) firmly to the disc (C). Flip the lever (B) down to secure the suction cup. Pedestal and Dual-T Head

Arkon PTM125-S

Descargado: 0Tamaño del archivo: 111 kb    Fabricar: Arkon  
Categoría: Cine en casa

PTM125-S BBP125-S | 15" Flexible Steel Gooseneck Mount CM088-TS-2 15" Flexible Steel "Gooseneck" Mount (shown with Seat Bolt Bracket attached) CC002-Palm CC003-BBP f Compatability: (not complete) - Palm Treo 650 - HP iPAQ 6815 - XDA Adom Exec - Palm Treo 680 - HP iPAQ 6818 - Dopod 818 Pro - Palm Treo 700W - HP iPAQ 6828 - Dopod 810 - Palm Treo 700P - HTC P3600 - Pharos GPS 525P - Palm Treo 750 V - HTC 6815 - i-Mate JAMin y Compatability: Blackberry Pearl 8100 Package Contents: (1

Arkon BBP125-S

Descargado: 0Tamaño del archivo: 111 kb    Fabricar: Arkon  
Categoría: Cine en casa

This will require drilling into your vehicle's interior surface. Console Mount Floor Mount Step 1. Position the Floor / Console Bracket and drill into the floor or console. Step 2. Attach the Floor / Console Bracket with screws and cover with plastic caps. Step 3. Screw the steel shaft into the Floor / Console Bracket. Pedestal Head Adjustments Step 1. Adjust the steel shaft by bending with both hands to the desired location of the male dual T-head. Step 2. Use the adjustment knob (A)

Arkon MP070-7PS-1

Descargado: 6Tamaño del archivo: 129 kb    Fabricar: Arkon  
Categoría: Otros dispositivos personales

Push the pedestal suction cup (A) firmly to the windshield. Flip the lever (B) down to secure the suction cup. Dash Installation (Optional, when disc is included) Step 1. Locate a safe flat surface on the dash or console to mount the pedestal. Clean the dash with the alcohol pad provided. Dry the surface before applying the adhesive disc (C). Step 2. Push the pedestal suction cup (A) firmly to the disc (C). Flip the lever (B) down to secure the suction cup. Pedestal Adjustment Step 1. Adjus

Arkon MP070-7PS-2

Descargado: 10Tamaño del archivo: 129 kb    Fabricar: Arkon  
Categoría: Otros dispositivos personales

Push the pedestal suction cup (A) firmly to the windshield. Flip the lever (B) down to secure the suction cup. Dash Installation (Optional, when disc is included) Step 1. Locate a safe flat surface on the dash or console to mount the pedestal. Clean the dash with the alcohol pad provided. Dry the surface before applying the adhesive disc (C). Step 2. Push the pedestal suction cup (A) firmly to the disc (C). Flip the lever (B) down to secure the suction cup. Pedestal Adjustment Step 1. Adjus
