At 2000 hours, the lamp will not light (Lamp Error LED will be On). You must press and hold the "Volume -" button and the "Volume +" button simultaneously for ten seconds, then release. Power LED on keypad will reset to green, and you can power the lamp on. DP8400 4500 2000 Hours Press the Menu button and choose About. If the maximum lamp time of 2000 hours is exceeded, the lamp will not light. The lamp must be replaced and the lamp timer reset before the projector will operate. Press the Menu

If the maximum lamp time of 3000 hours is exceeded, the lamp will not light. The lamp must be replaced and the lamp timer reset before the projector will operate. Press the Menu Button, choose Settings, then choose Service, then Lamp Reset. At 3000 hours, the lamp will not light (Lamp Error LED will be Blinking). Press and Hold the "Volume +" and the "Volume -" buttons simultaneously for ten seconds. LED on keypad will reset, and you can power the lamp on. C160 1700 2000 Hours Press the Menu bu

You must press and hold the "Volume -" button and the "Volume +" button simultaneously for ten seconds, then release. Power LED on keypad will reset to green, and you can power the lamp on. DP1000x 1100 3000 Hours Press Menu Button, choose Setup, then choose Service, then Info. At 2900 hours the Lamp LED lights. Press Menu Button, choose Setup, then choose Service, then Reset Lamptimer. Press Select button again to confirm reset. This will turn off the Lamp LED also. DP1200x 1100 2000 Hours Pr

The lamp hours remaining will be displayed. Press the Menu Button, choose Setting, then choose Lamp Replace. Select Yes, and confirm again with Yes. Copyright InFocus Corp. 3 7/13/2004 ASK Proxima Lamp Information Guide DP5800 650 2000 Hours Press and Hold the "Reset" button on the keypad or the "Timer" button on the remote for three seconds. The lamp hours used will be displayed. Press and Hold the "Reset" button on the keypad or "Timer" on the remote control for three seconds, and the lam

Press and Hold the "Reset" button for three seconds. The lamp timer will be reset. DP6850 1500 1500 Hours Press and Hold the "Reset" button on the keypad or "Timer" on the remote for three seconds. The lamp hours used will be displayed. Press and Hold the "Reset" button on the keypad or "Timer" on the remote control for three seconds, and the lamp hours used will be displayed. Release button. While the Lamp Time is being displayed, press the "Reset" button on the keypad or the "Timer" button on

You will be asked to confirm the reset. DP9270 2600 2000 Hours Press and Hold the Up Arrow Button on the Keypad for 40+ seconds. The displayed Data value will be the hours used on the lamp. Press the Menu Button, choose Setting, then choose "Lamp Counter Reset" and select. You will be asked to confirm the reset. DP9280 3000 1000 Hours Press and Hold the Up Arrow Button on the Keypad for 40+ seconds. The displayed Data value will be the hours used on the lamp. Press the Menu Button, choose Sett

You will be asked to confirm the reset. DP9295 4100 1500 Hours Press and Hold the Up Arrow button on the keypad for 30+ seconds. The lamp hours will appear on the display. When the lamp life approaches the end, the Lamp Replacement Indicator lights Yellow. Press the Menu button, choose Setting, then choose Lamp Counter Reset and press Select button. A message will appear asking if you want to reset the lamp timer, choose Yes and press the Select button. Another confirmation box appears and sele

Message will come on screen when you exceed the 750 hours, directing you to replace the lamp. Lamp replacement only by qualified service personnel. Impression A10 1200 2500 Hours Press the Menu Button, then choose Help, then About. Press the Menu Button, choose Options, then choose Service, then Reset Lamp Timer. Impression A2 650 2500 Hours Press the Menu Button, then choose Help, then About. Press the Menu Button, choose Options, then choose Service, then Reset Lamp Timer. Impression A4 500

Projector Control 1 SETTING UP.................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 RS232 CONTROL CABLES .............................................................................................................. 4 1.2 RS232 SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................ 4 2 GENERAL............................................