In the BRITA PURITY 1200 Clean calcium and magnesium ions are selectively removed from the drinking water via an ion exchanger using the fl ow method. This prevents residues on the dishes during drying due to carbonate hardness and scale deposits on important machine parts. This means that the dishwashers have a greatly increased service life. Furthermore, BRITA PURITY 1200 Clean Extra guarantees elimination of all salts in the water by means of full demineralisation of the tap water, preventing
Anyquestions? Visit us at or call 800-24BRITA(U.S.A.) 800-387-6940 (CANADA). 5Remember… Change your filter about every 2months for healthier,great-tastingwater!* 5N’oubliezpas… Changezle filtreenviron tous les deux moispour beneficier d’une eau plus saine au gout agreable!* 5Recuerde… .Cambie el filtroaproximadamente cada dos meses paradisfrutar de agua mas saludable yde exquisito sabor!* cLefiltrepour pichet Brita®n’estpas destine apurifier l’eau. Nel’utilisezpas avec de l’eau qui n’estpas pure
Ifthefilter dries out, resoak for 15minutes. Classic – Model #OB01/OB03 UltraMax – Model #OB24/OB03 Deluxe – Model #OB26/OB03 Atlantis– Model #OB32/OB03 Grand – Model #OB36/OB03 Slim – Model #OB11/OB03 SpaceSaver – Model #OB21/OB03 Riviera – Model #OB35/OB03 Aqualux – Model #OB37/OB03 Chrome – Model #OB39/OB03 Pacifica – Model #OB41/OB03 Vintage– Model #OB43/OB03 Bella – Model #OB44/OB03 Everyday– Model #OB46/OB03 Marina – Model #OB47/OB03 Oceania – Model #OB48/OB03 Classic – Modele noOB01/OB03
Nel’utilisezpas avec de l’eau qui n’estpas puresur leplan microbiologique ou dequalite inconnue sans la desinfecter de facon adequate avant ou apres l’utilisation dusysteme. Les personnes qui doivent boireune eau d’une certaine purete microbiologique doivent suivre les conseilsdeleur medecin ou des autorites sanitaires locales en cequi atrait a l’utilisation et alaconsommation d’eau du robinet et d’eau Brita®. cNous vous recommandons deranger votresysteme Brita®dans lerefrigerateur,afin de toujo
Itisrecommendedthatbeforepurchasingawatertreatmentunit,youhaveyourwatersupplytestedto determineyour actualwater treatment needs. SUBSTANCE NSF/ANSI StaCopper REDUCTION U.S. EPA Level*/ NSF Maximum Permissible Product Water Concentration 1.3 ppma Health Canada Guideline .1.0 ppmb TESTING PARAMETERS Influent Challenge Concentration Filter Effluent Percent Reduction Alkalinity (ppm CaCO3) Temp. (°C) pH 6.7 Actual ndard 53 3.0 ppm NSF Target – Health Effects 3.0±0.3 ppm Average 0.12 ppm Maximum 0.30
cElfiltroparajarras Brita®no tiene elproposito de purificar elagua. No loutilicecon agua que no sea microbiologicamente seguraodecalidad desconocida sinlacorrecta desinfeccion antes odespues del sistema. Las personas que necesitan agua con pureza microbiologica especial deben seguirlos consejos del medicoodelos funcionarios de salud locales sobreeluso yel consumo del agua potable ydel agua Brita®. cLerecomendamos mantener elsistema Brita®en elrefrigerador parabeber agua fria yde exquisito sabor.
You’ll be pleased to know that we offer a 30-dayunconditional money-back guarantee! Thank you again for your trustin Brita. Still have questions? Or to locate retailers: Visit or call U.S.A. 1-800-24-BRITA, CANADA1-800-387-6940. Brita LP 1221Broadway Oakland, CA 94612 Brita Canada Corporation 150 Biscayne Crescent Brampton (Ontario) L6W 4V3 *Filter should be replaced after 40 gallons/151liters (about 2months for the average family). You mayneed to change your filter moreor lessoften dependingon
Anyquestions? Visit us at or call 800-24BRITA(U.S.A.) 800-387-6940 (CANADA). 5Remember… Change your filter about every 2months for healthier,great-tastingwater!* 5N’oubliezpas… Changezle filtreenviron tous les deux moispour beneficier d’une eau plus saine au gout agreable!* 5Recuerde… .Cambie el filtroaproximadamente cada dos meses paradisfrutar de agua mas saludable yde exquisito sabor!* cLefiltrepour pichet Brita®n’estpas destine apurifier l’eau. Nel’utilisezpas avec de l’eau qui n’estpas pure
cWerecommend that you storeyour Brita®system intherefrigerator to get cold, great- tastingwater. If you would liketo keep your Brita®system outside oftherefrigerator, we recommend that you keep itinacool area that isnot indirect sunlight and replace any filtered water that has been left sittingfor severaldaysor more. Thiswill help make sureyou get refreshing,great-tastingBrita®water. cIt isimportant that thebottom of the filter bein contact withthefilteredwater to prevent thefilter from dryingou
cLerecomendamos mantener elsistema Brita®en elrefrigerador parabeber agua fria yde exquisito sabor. Silegustaria mantener el sistema Brita®fueradel refrigerador,le recomendamos mantenerlo en un area fria, que no esteexpuesta alaluz directa del sol, ycambiar elagua filtrada que sehayaasentado por varios dias. Esto lo ayudara a obtener agua Brita fresca ydegran sabor. cEsimportante que la parte inferior del filtroesteen contacto con elagua filtrada para prevenirque elfiltroseseque. Sielfiltrosesec