Attach additional rods tu each coupler to make section 2. Repeat 3, 4,5,6 & 7 to complete the units. 9. Before placing the last **E" shelf, place a washer on the rod. 10. Secure each rod *ith spheres “11" and tighten • For additional shelves svrite to: ATLANTICJNC. P.O.Box 2399 Santa Fe Spring , Ca 90670 USA flTLfiHTIO C*.»3 tiMOC V/.'AKitfrCtCALCi avow* rxc.v*-- zXJtt-cc COT*

2016 & 2017 PARTS IN' THIS PACKAGE A. Base (I pcs.) 0. Washer <4 pcï.) C. Base MDF Shelf 0 P« ) D. Rods (12 pcs.) E. Adjustable MDF.Shelves (9 pci.) F. Steel plate (2 pcs.) G. Clips <24 pcs.) II. Spheres w/couplers (4 pcs.) M. coupler-attached to rods (8 pcs) INSTRUCTIONS 1. Attach a rod to each coupler on the base, tighten the rods. 2. Insert base shelf “C** making sure the Shelf is ;evel. 3. Slide a clip “G" on each rod by squeezing the ends of the clip releasing them at the desir

Quitar la calcomania adhesiva de la espuma y pegarsela al vidrio. Retirez la bande adhesive de la mousse et fixez a la vitre. (9) (8) (7) (7) (7) (7) Hammer Marteau Martillo Assembly instructions / Directives d'assemblage / Instrucciones de ensamble / Anleitungen zum zusammenbau: Parts List / Lista de Componentes / Liste des pieces / Teileliste: QTY / Cant. / Qte / Menge Parts List / Lista de Componentes / Liste des pieces / Teileliste: QTY / Cant. / Qte / Menge Parts List / Lista de Componentes

Santa Fe Springs,CA. U.S.A. U.S. AND OTHER FOREIGN PATENTS PENDING ALL RIGHTS RESERVED MADE IN CHINA I a ntic-i nc.com R1.0 061227 #63735423 © down onto threaded end of wire. Carefully screw the Plastic Screws to secure the bottom section to the base with the provided tool. (Apply Pressure) (A \ Do not tighten screw too tightly If base does not rotate easily, loosen screw.

Atornille los tornillos de plastico (2) con la herramienta proporcionada ( 3) 2) Proceder avec soin, Tournez l'unite a l'envers. Utilisez un marteau ou un maillet et frappez legerement sur la vis en plastique (2) pour qu'elle entre environ 1/8" ( 0,3 cm) de la fin de la tige. Vissez avec les vis de plastique (2) avec l'outil fourni (3). -2 4 5 (3) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) B C B B 5) Repeat Step 2: Carefully, Turn unit upside down. Use hammer or mallet and gently hammer in plastic screw (2) about

Utilice un martillo para unir las tablas traseras usando los clavos (4). (1) (4) E D (4) to secure. 11 -4 13 13. Place shelves (G) on pins (8). 13. Placez les tablettes (G) sur les tiges (8). 13. Coloque los estantes (G) sobre las clavijas (8). G G G G -5 Safety Wall Mount for Wood Items / Montaje en Pared con Proteccion para Accesorios de Madera / Fixation murale securitaire pour les articles en bois / -5 Part List / Lista de Componentes / Liste des pieces (A) Plastic wall anchor (A) Taquete de