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Significant testing has been done across a broad range of Kodak Professional and OM digital printers to validate satisfactory digital performance of KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Metallic Paper. Kodak’s Printer Calibrations for KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Metallic Paper To achieve optimal quality prints on KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Metallic Paper with Kodak digital output devices such as the KODAK PROFESSIONAL Digital Multiprinter or the KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 50 LED Printer, you must install new cal

• 12V car charging function. • Microprocessor Controlled—Battery life is well protected by negative delta V cut-off function and timer protection. • Temperature sensors to prevent the battery from being damaged by over-heating. • LED display for rapid charge/trickle charge/bad cell detection. Red LED = rapid charge Green LED = trickle charge Flashing Red LED = cells are not suitable for charging Safety Features • Negative delta V cut-off function. • Safety timer to prevent over-charging. • Therm