But beware of calamity, friend. It can strike at any time from a number of unlikely sources! Contents: • 1 gameboard • 4 player markers • 13 properties • 13 plastic bases (to stand the properties up) • money • 1 Wild Donkey • 5 gold nuggets • 13 title deed cards • 49 newspaper cards [29 Boom times (yellow) and 20 Bust times (Red)] • 2 dice - 1 normal die and 1 newspaper die Set-Up: • Shuffle the red newspaper cards and place them on the gameboard in the spot labeled CalamityviUe N
Box 421309 • Indianapolis, IN 46242 MADE IN CHINA Questions or comments? Write to us at the address above, call 1.800.486.9787 or email customerservice@fundexgames.com In an effort to continually improve our products, items may vary from those shown. INDEX: Badminton Baseball Basketball Bocce Ball Bulls-Eye Washers Chuck-O Football Four Square Hopscotch Horseshoes Soccer Softball Tennis Tetherball Top Toss Volleyball PAGE: 9 6 7 11 12 12 8 13 14 11 5 6 10 13 12 9 Instructions & Field Diagram Boo
To begin a round, the scorekeeper says, “1, 2, 3, GO!” and all players roll their colored die at the same time(If all players roll the same number, everyone re-rolls). 2. Players that roll the same number score that number and are done for this round. 3. Arrange the remaining dice in a row from highest to lowest. 4. The player with the highest number goes first and has a choice. • Take the points on the die they rolled as their round score or... • Give up the points on the die for a chance to Sh
And much of this is based on knowledge of food, drink and social conventions. It is also about being able to converse intelligently and appropriately at the dinner table. This game provides a fantastic opportunity for you to broaden your horizons about the life of luxury in a light-hearted, yet almost sybaritic manner. CONTENTS 300 Cards with 2400 Questions and Answers, 2 Decks of Sybarit Playing Cards, Score Pad, Pencil VBnRI FOR 2 TO 8 ADULTS, SEEKING THE FINE MOMENTS IN LIFE. Set Up •
' Any drawings that you crossed off with an X don't count either way. ' Tally the scores for each player on the scratch paper. Look at everyone else's funny drawings. START THE NEXT ROUND: Each player chooses a different partner, take a new piece of Sketchy Paper, and play the same as before. WiNNiNG: After 3 rounds the player with the highest score wins! ln the case of a tie the player or team with the most correctly matched drawings wins! BATTERY SAFETY INFORMATION • Never mix old and
ln the event of an odd number of players, the additional player spins the timer, rolls the die and reads the catagory. • Pick a player to take a card, roll the die, and read aloud the category matching the number rolled. • At the same time, another player starts the electronic timer by pressing the center button. • Everyone begins to draw things that fit the called out category, one drawing in each box on the left side of the Sketchy paper. • You may not use numbers or letters in any drawing
THE PHASE 10 DICE: Six of the dice contain all the high numbers. Each of the dice are numbered 5,6,7,8,9,10 in the various four colors. The other four dice contain all the low numbers and the Wild (W) faces. Each of these die are numbered with 1,2,3,4 and W. The W is in the four various colors. PLAY: To see who plays first, each player rolls one of the dice numbered 5 to 10. The player with the highest roll plays first, and so on, down to the player with the lowest roll, who plays last. Each pla
Usually, several games are played, with the winner of each game earning points-the first to reach a score of 10 points wins the match. SETUP: 15 black tokens, 15 white tokens. Players choose to be the black or white and then set up the game board as shown below. The game tokens in backgammon are referred to as “stones.” Each player rolls a die to determine who has the first move, ties are re-rolled. The player with the highest number will begin the game by using the two high numbers of the dice
Los saquitos de frijoles no pueden tocar el agua. Sobre el tablero valdra un punto. Falta - Un saquito de frijoles que aterrice en cualquier parte fuera del tablero de juegos o en el agujero sera una falta. CUENTA: Cualquier saquito de frijoles que toque el agua o golpee a cualquier objeto en vuelo sera una falta. Una falta no vale ningun punto.La puntuacion del juego se cuenta al final de cada ronda. Los jugadores o equipos solo anotan la diferencia entre el jugador mas alto y mas bajo o la cue
de cinco puntos, y el jugador o equipo B obtuvo solamente dos En el tablero para dos puntos, entonces el jugador o equipo A hara una puntu-acion de tres puntos (5 puntos - 2 puntos = 3 puntos). GANADOR: El primer jugador o equipo que obtenga 21 puntos al final de una ronda, ganara. En caso de que haya un empate, se jugaran rondas adicionales hasta que un jugador o equipo tenga una puntuacion mas alta que el otro al final de una ronda. frijoles en el tablero de juegos. Los jugadores estan parados