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Descargado: 22Tamaño del archivo: 3 mb    Fabricar: EMI  
Categoría: Equipos de Bombeo

The units are delivered precharged with refrigerant for the condenser coil and the evaporator. Charging of the field installed piping is required. Refer to the refrigerant charge table for the proper amount to be added for the applications interconect piping. Unit service valves are solid brass, for sweat connections. IMPORTANT: All systems require field charge adjustments. Refer to the "Refrig- erant Charge Tables" for proper weight charge and to the supplied “Field Charging Charts" for proper


Descargado: 18Tamaño del archivo: 557 kb    Fabricar: EMI  
Categoría: Los acondicionadores de aire

1.6 [1/05] CAH/CAHW: 9,000 - 48,000 BtuhCAF/CAF4: 8,000 - 36,000 Btuh GENERAL STATEMENT IMPORTANT: The information contained in this manual is critical to the correct operation and main- tenance of the EMI cassette and should be read by all persons responsible for the installation, start up and maintenance of the unit. SAFETY: The equipment has been designed and manufactured to meet international safety standards but, like any mechanical/electrical equipment, care must be taken if you are to obt


Descargado: 16Tamaño del archivo: 2 mb    Fabricar: EMI  
Categoría: Equipos de Bombeo

or Distributor however the trap should be shallow as the: (4) elbow configuration. Each elbow is approximately 2 equivalent feet. One P-trap is equal to approximately 8 equivalent feet. P-TRAP INSTALLATION Figure #1 8Multi-zone Heat Pump Condensing Units REFRIGERANT PIPING INSTALLATION SECTION 9Multi-zone Heat Pump Condensing Units Vaccum Pump Micron Gage Manifold Setup For Evacuation S1CAShownIt is illegal to discharge refrigerant into the atmosphere. Use proper reclaiming methods & equipment w


Descargado: 15Tamaño del archivo: 515 kb    Fabricar: EMI  
Categoría: Equipos de Bombeo

A [05/08] JOB NAME: _____________________________________ LOCATION: _______________________________________ PURCHASER: _____________________________________________________________________________________ ENGINEER:_______________________________________________________________________________________ SUBMITTED TO: _________________________________ FOR: REFERENCE [ ] APPROVAL [ ] CONSTRUCTION [ ] SUBMITTED BY: _________________________________ DATE:____________________________________________ UNI


Descargado: 14Tamaño del archivo: 3 mb    Fabricar: EMI  
Categoría: Equipos de Bombeo

When the “PROG” and “TIME” buttons are pressed simultaneously again or left idle for 20 seconds, the control shall save the new settings and return to the previous interface mode. While in the 7-Day programming mode, use the up or down arrows to change the time, temperature or period settings. Use the “MODE” (BACK) or “PROG” (NEXT) buttons to select the mode to be changed. Settings for (1) Day of week, (2) Period of day, (3) Hour, (4), Minute, (5) Cool setpoint temperature, (6) Heat setpoint tem


Descargado: 14Tamaño del archivo: 751 kb    Fabricar: EMI  
Categoría: Los acondicionadores de aire

The heating capacity at 70. F indoor and17. F outdoor shall be 5,300 Btuh. PART FOUR “INDOOR UNIT” The indoor unit shall be factory assembled, wired and contain a low voltage transformer. The cabinet shall be fabricated of G60 galvannealed steel, finished in “off-white” with corrosion inhibiting polyester powder-coated paint. The evaporator fans shall be a forward curve centrifugal type, dynamically balanced and directly mounted to the motor shafts. The motor shall be PSC type with internal ther


Descargado: 12Tamaño del archivo: 5 mb    Fabricar: EMI  
Categoría: Equipos de Bombeo

An ISO 9001-2000 Certified Company Rome, NY 13440 P/N# 240006458 Rev. B [10/08] EMI AMErIcA SErIES MultI-zonE HEAt PuMP condEnSIng unItS EMI AMErIcA SErIES MultI-zonE HEAt PuMP condEnSIng unItS inSTallaTion, oPeraTion and mainTenanCe manual This manual is intended as an aid to qualified service personnel for proper installation, operation, and maintenance of these EMI America Series multi-zone heat pump condensing units. Read the instructions thoroughly and carefully before attempting installati


Descargado: 11Tamaño del archivo: 3 mb    Fabricar: EMI  
Categoría: Equipos de Bombeo

Maximumlengthallowed is 100 equivalent feet. • Avoid high traffic areas and prevailing wind locations. • Surface must be level. • Mount unit above typical snow levels. Ensure free flow of air through the unit. Air must not recirculate from discharge to intake. Air is drawn through the coil with side, or top discharged through the fan grille. A minimum 48” clearance is necessary for the condenser discharge. Intake (coil side) clearance is 12” minimum. Consider how power will be run to the unit fr


Descargado: 10Tamaño del archivo: 452 kb    Fabricar: EMI  
Categoría: Los acondicionadores de aire

1.1 [12/04] EMI ENGINEERING SUBMITTAL CAPACITIES: Cooling 33,000 Btu Heating – High 31,000 Btu – Low 18,200 Btu Indoor Design Temp .F DB/WB Cooling 80/67Heating 70/57 Outdoor Design Temp .F DB/WB Cooling 95/75Heating – High 47/43 – Low 17/15 EER 10.0 SEER 10.0 HSPF 6.8 17 ” 111/4 ” 571/2 ” INDOOR UNIT: Power Supply 208/230/1/60 Max. Fuse Size 15 Amps (w/o electric heat) Min. Ampacity .70 Amps (w/o electric heat) Max. Fuse Size 30 Amps (w/5kw electric heat) Min. Ampacity 27.9 Amps (w/5kw electric


Descargado: 9Tamaño del archivo: 2 mb    Fabricar: EMI  
Categoría: Equipos de Bombeo

A [06/08] SpecificationS and performance Heat pump Nominal Capacities: 9,000 and 12,000 Btuh dEsCrIPtIon EMI offers the finest high capacity dual zone outdoor units in the ductless split market, the S2H High Capacity Condensing Unit. The S2H allows the installation of two circuits from a single outside location when space or aesthetic requirements limit the use of locations. The S2H has easy access interconnect valves on the back of the unit and each zone is independent so no mixing of refrigera
