Other possible routes are skin contact and ingestion. Short-term (acute) overexposure to welding fumes may result in discomfort such as metal fume fever, dizziness, nausea, or dryness or irritation of nose, throat, or eyes. May aggravate pre-existing respiratory problems (e.g. asthma, emphysema). Long-term (chronic) overexposure to welding fumes can lead to siderosis (iron deposits in lung) and may affect pulmonary function. Manganese overexposure can affect the central nervous system, resulting
correct size tip No function of machine (water-cooled units) Mains fuse/circuit breaker tripped Reset or replace Torch under current when machine Power switch defective Check and replace is switched OFF 27 8 Spares and Accessories Item Description Dimensions Stock-no. 1 Swivel caster Rd 125 727 162 1501 2 Hexagon head screw M 8 x 16 galv. 610 300 1178 3 Serrated lock washer A 8,4 galv. 630 400 1745 4 Cage nut M 8 galv. 626 413 9374 5 Rigid caster Rd 125 727 162 1510 6 Cup square nec
Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44117-1199 (216) 481-8100 Product Type: Flux Cored Electrode Classification: AWS E81T1-K2MH8 SECTION II - HAZARDOUS MATERIAL (1) I M P O R T A N T ! This section covers the materials from which this product is manufactured. The fumes and gases produced during welding with the normal use of this product are covered by Section V; see it for industrial hygiene information. CAS Number shown is representative for the ingredients listed. All ingredients listed may not be pre
October 1988 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION Manufacturer/ Supplier: The Lincoln Electric Company 22801 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44117-1199 (216) 481-8100 Product Type: Covered Electrode Classification: AWS ENiCrMo-6 SECTION II - HAZARDOUS MATERIAL (1) I M P O R T A N T ! This section covers the materials from which this product is manufactured. The fumes and gases produced during welding with the normal use of this product are covered by Section V; see it for industrial hygiene information. CA
Lincolnistrulyyour“OneSource”when itcomestowelding.We’reacompany thatcontinual llyrededicatesitselftothe equal llyimportantgoalsofexceptional quality,andexceptionalservice.Our fieldsupportteam––withhundredsof fieldsalesengineersandthousandsof knowledgeableandresponsiveLincoln distributorsincountriesal lloverthe world––isthe largestintheindustry. Innovativethinking.Aqualityand service-firstattitude.Fresh approachestodesign,manufacturing, andpackaging.Worldwidestrength. That’sLincolnElectric. Pipe
As a general rule calculate 40 amps welding current per 1 mm of electrode core wire diameter. Depending on electrode type, material thickness and weld position this calculated value may have to be adjusted plus or minus. The Invert 130/40 and 130/60 works perfectly with thin plate, which is the outstanding feature of this machine, aside from its extreme compact and robust design. It is characteristic of an inverter to generate a true direct current, which makes for a soft and smooth running arc
High duty cycle due to additional fan function. 328 | ELECTRODE WELDING SYSTEMS COMMON FEATURES .. "Smart intelligence": state-of-the-art processor control for easy operation and ideal welding results .. Automatic hot start for perfect ignition of electric arc .. Arc-force regulation for even welding results .. Anti-stick mechanism prevents electrodes from sticking .. Switchable lift arc function for x-ray safe TIG welding with an optional TIG torch .. Ergonomic and protected control elements ..
DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED THROUGHOUT. And, most importantly, think before you act and be careful. OPERATOR’S MANUAL LINCOLNELECTRIC ® Copyright © 2003 Lincoln Global Inc. World’s Leader in Welding and Cutting Prodcuts Sales and Service through Subsidiaries and Distributors Worldwide Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199 U.S.A. TEL: 216.481.8100 FAX: 216.486.1751 WEB SITE: Prince® XL - Owner's Manual -Page i Prince® XL -
Frommaintenancetoproductionwelding,wehaveyoucovered.Selectour250FGmodelforloweramperageweldingapplications,our340FGmodelformid-rangeapplicationsandour500FGwater-cooledmodelforthosehigheramperageweldingapplications. ENVIRONMENTALSYSTEMS X-Tractor250FG/340FG/500FGFumeExtractionGunsOptimizeyourweldingsystembyutilizingLincoln’sX-TractorFumeExhaustweldingguns.DesignedforMIG,Metal- CoreandGas-ShieldedFlux-Coredwelding,theselightweightflexibleweldinggunsareidealforanyshopweldingapplication. Frommainten
Withtheincreasingdemandsonweldingperformance,choosetheindustryleaderinpower,performance,andtechnology,LincolnElectric’sPowerWave®i400andAutoDrive™ 4R90system. IntelligentRoboticSolution IntegratedSystemDesign InnovativeFeatures IndustryLeadingDesign AutoDrive™4R90 PowerWave®i400 PublicationE10.11 01/08 ACLOSERLOOKACLOSERLOOK Power Wave® i400 ADVANTAGE LINCOLN • Flexible Design -Designed for simple, seamless integration with the FANUC® Robotics R-30iA Controller, or use as a separated configurati