Final tightening of the bolts should always be done by hand, with a Phillips-head screwdriver or ratchet wrench. English English When mounting to solid concrete, bricks, or cinder block After you have determined your desired TV location, tape the Installation Template (IT) in place securely on the wall with masking tape. Use a level to double check that the screw holes line up vertically, as shown in Figure 8. Figure 8 Do not drill into mortar joints! Mortar joints are in between the bricks wher
Bell’O le enviara cualquier parte o pieza de reemplazo sin cargo en los Estados Unidos o Canada. GARANZIA LIMITATA A VITA Questo prodotto di supporto SKU # 7610 o 7612 (“Prodotto”) di Bell’O International, Corp. (“Bell’O” o “noi”) e coperto da garanzia per la durata della vita del Prodotto unicamente per l'acquirente originale e solo per l'installazione originale (“Garanzia”). La reinstallazione del Prodotto in posizione diversa, o con schermo o periferica diversi, rende questa Garanzia nulla. Q
Utilizzare le linee presenti nello schema di installazione (IT) per allineare lo schema stesso ai segni fatti in matita. Verwenden Sie die Linien auf der Installationsschablone (IT), um die Schablone mit Bolzenbleistiftmarkierungen auszurichten. Используйте линии на шаблоне для установки (IT), чтобы совместить шаблон с карандашными пометками на стойке. PERCER LES TROUS GUIDES Suivre avec attention les instructions figurant sur le gabarit de pose. Le nombre de tire-fond (T) necessaire depend de l
It has been further tested and Listed by Underwriters Laboratories. About This Manual Mounting your TV on the wall can seem like an overwhelming task. This handy For Dummies® guide takes you through the process step-by-step to ensure the proper installation of your mount. Before starting this project, be sure to read the entire instruction manual and watch the included installation DVD for a complete demonstration. If at any time you are unclear about the directions and believe you need further
Esta garantia no se aplica si el Producto ha sido embalado nuevamente o revendido como de segunda mano. No existen garantias, explicitas o implicitas, que incluyan sin limitacion la comerciabilidad o aptitud para un uso en particular, con excepcion de (i) lo aqui contenido o (ii) lo exigido por las leyes vigentes en el estado en el que rige dicha legislacion. El derecho procesal y sustantivo del estado de Nueva Jersey regira esta Garantia en ausencia de una legislacion de otro estado que regule
Do not throw out the security screws because you will need them later in the installation process. Select the location where you want to mount the TV. Clear the area of all furniture and electronics. You will need some elbow room to mount the TV. You also want to make sure that your electronic devices are unplugged, covered, and out of way because you are about to start drilling holes, and that is likely to make dust. You will also need to leave space that you can use to mount the monitor plate
You will also need to leave space that you can use to mount the Monitor Arms (MA) onto the TV. Your TV may have come with a stand installed. If it did, it is okay to leave it on for now as long as it does not interfere with the monitor arm installation. If not, you need to determine the best way to hold or rest your TV safely so you can attach the monitor arms. Placing the TV face-down can damage the fragile screen or decorative frame. You may want to get a friend to assist you in holding the TV
2Percezavec soin atraverslespoints«a»et«b»avec le foretqui convient. 3POSE SUR UN MONTANT EN BOIS : (VOIR LESINSTRUCTIONSDEPOSESURMACONNERIEDANSLEMANUEL) INSTALACION EN UN MONTANTE DE MADERA: (VEREL MANUAL DEINSTALACIONPARAINSTALACIONESDEMAMPOSTERIA) English When mounting to a wood stud Line up the Installation Template (IT) with the stud markings to ensure the proper location for your drill holes. After you have the position selected, tape the template in place securely on the wall with masking