• The Multi-timbre and Poly modes are always active. No change occurs when OMNI ON, OMNI OFF, MONO, or POLY mode messages are received. 34 YDP-123 Appendix/Anhang/Annexe/Apendice 4. 4. E 6. SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGES Data format: [CnH] -> [ppH] CnH = Program event (n = channel number) ppH = Program change number P.C.#=Program Change number YDP-123 MSB LSB P.C.# Grand Piano 1 0 122 0 Grand Piano 2 0 112 0 E.Piano 1 0 122 5 E.Piano 2 0 122 4 Harpsichord 1 0 122 6 Harpsichord 2 0 123 6 Vibraphone 0